And the spirit of salesmanship even affects the usually shy Brits who come here.
Since the passing of Steve Jobs, the lack of salesmanship at the top has hurt Apple.
The Chambers secret sauce: sugar-sweet salesmanship baked slowly over a native West Virginia drawl.
The vision of the customer-centric service and great salesmanship is the key ingredient to this retailers success.
Success in salesmanship will be crucial to the success of this sort of fusion of charity with commercialism.
Nor does it work in domestic policy, where personal salesmanship has failed to overcome the defects of legislation.
It still takes brains, salesmanship, guts and a whole lot of persistence to launch and run a startup.
The main casualties from such creative salesmanship are the less imaginative fund managers, who stand to lose mandates.
To succeed in this meritocratic race, you need talent, ingenuity, salesmanship and connections.
Surely, when God gave us curiosity, inventiveness and salesmanship, he wanted for us to apply these gifts productively and joyously.
Navarro believes that fluency in nonverbal communication can be as powerful a tool as masterful negotiating techniques or expert salesmanship.
Given that France and others may well put any further expansion to referendums, politicians need to learn some better salesmanship fast.
But the chips made their way into so many products--Cisco routers, Seagate disk drives, Netgear wireless modems--only because of Dai's relentless salesmanship.
On the one hand, business is about relationship building, marketing, and salesmanship.
These deals are a testament to the company's salesmanship, but it remains unclear what effect they will have on the bottom line.
To make their case, the generals and admirals needed to do some creative salesmanship while avoiding some basic questions, like Will they work?
Even Carol, the Manhattan fitness instructor, complains that her job is now judged on the basis of salesmanship as well as muscle tone.
Henri Guaino, an adviser who dreamt up the idea but was demonised in Brussels and Berlin for inept salesmanship, purred quietly in the corner.
In America, the land of the free market, they are the more expansive yard sales, where you wear your salesmanship as a badge of pride.
There was zero evidence of salesmanship by Claimant during these calls.
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Investment-banking mergers require a rare combination of toughness, decisiveness and salesmanship.
When a mother persuades a recalcitrant baby to give his veggies a try she is doing both the baby and the reputation of salesmanship a good turn.
Critics said Dell's practice of selling direct to corporate customers, rather than through distributors, wouldn't work in China, where salesmanship is based on wining and dining, not pointing and clicking.
Its culture and incentive structures do not reward salesmanship.
Wherever I ventured, in stores large and small, I experienced what would be considered white-glove service back home, delivered with the kind of warmth, enthusiasm and salesmanship typically found in black-and-white movies.
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