The charging element sits right in the middle and is surrounded by beanbag-like cushions on all sides save for the top -- we wouldn't advise putting it under your head to go to sleep.
ENGADGET: Nokia adds Qi wireless charging tech to new Lumia phones, we go hands-on
And the more we're emphasizing primary care, preventive care, wellness -- all of which will save us money in the long term -- the more that we can deploy nurses as the troops on the front lines in ultimately driving down some of these health care costs.
Initial reports of the attack suggested she was not badly hurt, but doctors found severe internal injuries and could not save her despite an all-night battle.
By the way, it also does things that Tom Harkin has been a champion of for years: prevention and wellness, to make sure that people are getting the care they need and the checkups they need and the screenings they need before they get sick -- which will save all of us money and reduce pressures on emergency rooms all across the country.
The staff managed to save all the portable equipment -- computer, sound and lighting systems.
Liberal Democrat MP Greg Mulholland, who chairs the All-Party Save the Pub Group, has accused pubcos of overcharging for beer and rent to help pay off their large debts.
In some ways, Soros went on to tell Bloomberg TV, even avoiding a blowup akin to the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008 may not be enough to save the 17-nation currency with all its current members.
The kiddie tax doesn't just tax rich kids--it taxes all kids who save and invest their money.
Mr Berlusconi promised to find an all-Italian consortium to save the airline.
ECONOMIST: Walter Veltroni risks being too nice to Silvio Berlusconi
What makes a laser so useful is that it is extremely neat, clean and sharp--the light is all the save wavelength and it is said to be coherent.
But with all of the indices at or near new all-time highs (save for the Nasdaq, perennially in the shadow of its mania highs north of 5000), many are beginning to wonder whether or not the secular bear that began 13 years ago has finally been slain.
Duke Nukem burst onto the scene in 1991 as the wise-cracking, cigar-chomping, woman-loving tough guy who must save the Earth from invading aliens, and does so with all the irreverence and hyper-masculinity of a Hollywood action hero.
ENGADGET: Duke Nukem 3D is coming to Android, old rope shares soar Alt
We're all familiar with syncing bookmarks and save-for-later web services like Instapaper, but it's not often that they come with a full web component.
ENGADGET: Yahoo Axis on desktop, iOS unifies your bookmarks, makes the web visual (hands-on)
If legislators were completely rational, they would rank all taxpayer-paid measures to save lives, from the most to the least cost-effective, and fund from the top down.
The two (plainly-named) Personal Video Recorders sport sleek, brushed aluminum enclosures that resemble a Mac mini in form, and both units are all but identical save for the high-end edition's ability to handle 1080p.
ENGADGET: Gefen shows off HD PVRs that export to USB drives HD
Apparently French and German industrialists are taking out a one-page ad in all the papers urging the politicians and people of Europe to "save the Euro" - by way of softening public opinion for the inevitable transfer of tens of billions of taxpayers' money to the peripheral economies.
The European Central Bank unleashed its open-ended bond buying program after Mario Draghi promised to do all he can to save the monetary union, and Fed chief Ben Bernanke announced his version of open-ended bond purchases, dubbed QE3.
FORBES: China's More Than $1 Trillion Stimulus Will Disappoint, Barclays Says
The circumstances were unprecedented, save the Great Depression, as you well know -- all of you covered it.
First, the Web tools allow him to save money and time by spreading customer-support duties among all 30 employees.
That is an elite crowd all under 31-years-old save A-Rod (you can add Carl Crawford to this list after he signs a massive free agent contract this winter).
The objective is to get the government to commit to installing defibrillators in all public buildings - because these can save people who collapse as a result of the condition.
The Internet will make it just a little easier for patients with chronic conditions to order re-fills by e-mail -- and save Express Scripts money on trying to decipher all those prescriptions.
Save with the Tax-Day Relief special of 20% off all inclusive stays of 5 nights or more.
Considering no one can save every dime they earn, not even quarter-millionaires, all bets are off that a guy earning that standard middle class pay is going to become rich in his or her lifetime.
FORBES: Despite Crisis, Most Americans Believe They Will Be Rich One Day
And we create incentives for all Americans to save now for future and long-term health care needs by improving health savings accounts and flexible spending arrangements and creating new tax benefits to offset the costs of long-term care premiums.
Nissan will save gobs of money--real estate, taxes and salaries are all cheaper in Tennessee.
All are up for re-election next year save Senators Manchin, Tester and McCaskill, whose votes last year helped distance themselves from an Administration unpopular in their states.
Think of all the tortured high-school freshmen this could save!
In short, we need our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement systems -- and the people in them -- to be accountable and to work as intended: collecting, sharing, integrating, analyzing, and acting on intelligence as quickly and effectively as possible to save innocent lives -- not just most of the time, but all the time.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Press After Security Meeting