To date, there has been scarcely any opportunity for a rigorous review of the rolls.
The Senate and House leadership did so with scarcely any hearings and extremely limited opportunity for debate.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How Congress Was Duped into Repealing Military Gay Ban
Yet, there has been scarcely any discussion of the precedential implications of the Law of the Sea Treaty.
To my surprise, there was scarcely any scientific literature on whether adults could really pick up an instrument late in life.
From the Labour Party's point of view, there are too many flimsy contenders to replace him and scarcely any serious ones.
In recent years, Wallace's reputation in his native land has taken a nose dive scarcely any of his books are still in print.
Since scarcely any electricity is generated in America by burning oil, the widespread use of such vehicles could greatly reduce our dependence on foreign sources of petroleum.
After the company was bankrupted by the litigation it became apparent that there was scarcely any scientifically established link between silicone and the health problems blamed on it.
Scarcely any business, community or individual citizen will remain unaffected -- some in minor ways, others in potentially catastrophic ones -- if the Y2K problem is not universally corrected.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Protecting against the 'millenium bug'
Indeed, for far too long, scarcely any Americans have addressed the contribution nuclear weapons make to their well-being, except perhaps to indulge in thoughtless - albeit, politically correct - nostrums about the desirability of abolishing such arms.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Your Deterrent: What's at stake at the Moscow summit
Yet because it will be wholly electronic, it is more likely to demonstrate that the location of an exchange scarcely matters any more.
When she left the dancing-floor on the arm of her partner she became engulfed in a crowd of impatient supplicants who would scarcely give place to any under the rank of a general.
The country is about the size of western Europe, but with scarcely a decent road outside any of the main towns.
ECONOMIST: Worries are growing as Congo's election timetable slips
For the last quarter of a century, Mr Cartier-Bresson eschewed photography, taking only the occasional snapshot of friends and family, and turning his attention to drawing. (He trained originally as a painter, his early work influenced by his friend, the surrealist artist Max Ernst.) He maintained that he scarcely wanted to discuss photography any more.
But in all likelihood, the mammoth structure will scarcely affect the region's long-term economy in any way.
In any other business, such a suggestion would ruffle scarcely a hair, but the education business has wrapped itself in such a mantle of righteousness that it and its defenders become livid if anyone suggests it should be subject to even the sketchiest economic rules.
Precisely because it has evolved as an economic entity, but not as a military one and scarcely as a diplomatic one, it has found friends almost everywhere and few if any real enemies.