The Scottish parliament banned this game to keep troops from getting distracted during archery practice.
They have been described as the biggest changes since the Scottish Parliament was created in 1999.
The Green-Independent group in the Scottish Parliament called for all MSPs to participate in the debate.
To become law, any bill must successfully negotiate three stages in the Scottish Parliament.
One year later the Scotland Act was passed providing "for the establishment of a Scottish Parliament".
The Scottish Parliament will take charge of half the income tax raised in Scotland.
The full Scottish Parliament is due to debate the committee's report on 23 December.
Ney's office also says he had official business, too, visiting members of the Scottish parliament.
This happens now in the Scottish Parliament, where we have constituency members and regional members.
BBC: Political double acts: Should MPs be allowed to job-share?
It will have a particular emphasis on matters dealt with by the Scottish Parliament.
Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson has supported more financial powers for the Scottish Parliament.
The 42-year-old law graduate entered the Scottish Parliament when it was created in 1999.
The nationalists also hold five of the city's 17 seats in the Scottish Parliament.
Mr Robertson's proposal has had backing from the equal opportunities committee of the Scottish Parliament.
This election will be the first since the SNP won a majority in the Scottish Parliament.
It's clear that in the Scottish Parliament the Scottish Conservatives have made a difference.
Following Scottish Parliament legislation, there will also be a new single fire service for Scotland.
The powers were inadvertently transferred to Northern Ireland and the Scottish Parliament at devolution.
BBC: Northern Ireland assembly to put Antarctic powers on ice
Speaking on the same programme, Ms Fabiani said the Scottish parliament's powers were limited.
Matters affecting only Scotland, of course, are decided by the Scottish parliament at Holyrood.
The way around this problem would be for the Scottish Parliament to pick up the bill.
The Scotland Act, which will set up a Scottish parliament with tax varying powers.
BBC: News | Talking Politics | Constitutional Reform since 1997
Setting up a Scottish parliament is squarely in this tradition of judicious adjustment to popular pressure.
His bill to set up the Scottish parliament may not be published for another month yet.
While visiting the Scottish Parliament he said the UK's "overall financial situation" must be resolved first.
To Bagehot's mind, a third magnificent thing about the Scottish Parliament is its parochialism.
The Scottish parliament has been asked to back tougher measures to tackle irresponsible parking.
When the firm surveyed the Scottish Parliament they found several red and white areas.
The Scottish Parliament is at its best when it gets on with devolved responsibilities.
BBC: Page last updated at 05:19 GMT, Friday, 2 May 2008 06:19 UK
But although the Scottish parliament will have an interest in fisheries, the Welsh assembly will not.