Security officials felt that, if anything, they would end up having a tighter security arrangement with DP World than with any other port manager in the country.
Her comments in both the Senate and House hearings clarified an earlier misunderstanding between the State Department and CIA. At the time of the attack, State Department officials believed they had a formal arrangement with CIA for backup security, while CIA didn't think there was a formal responsibility.
Also benefiting from the present arrangement are low-income families that receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments on the basis of mental disabilities.
Using an ERP, the owner remains on title to the real estate or business, whilst a third party depletes its value, typically through a bogus mortgage or some other arrangement whereby the asset is used as collateral or security for a debt.
Without a new arrangement in place, the Big East provided little income security to its member schools, which immediately became prime targets for poaching by other conferences.
FORBES: What The Big East's New TV Deals Mean For The Conference's Future
You can see that folks who want to walk through the airport faster, and get through security, they can sign up and sign in early, and have some special arrangement.
The U.S. Department of Defense and the Indonesian Ministry of Defense signed a Framework Arrangement on Cooperative Activities in the Field of Defense that will enhance the quality of security cooperation.
But Wednesday's security breach - the most serious in living memory - is certain to spark calls for this ancient arrangement to be brought to an end, in favour of something more modern.
The longer this postwar arrangement goes on, the longer it will take the East Asian powers to manage their own security responsibly.
If any new interim truce or arrangement is to survive, then it will have to deal with Israel's very real security concerns.
An informal arrangement that gives Mr Clegg's party great influence on economic policy but relatively little on matters of security may be enough to keep the coalition a happy ship.
ECONOMIST: An emerging divide in the coalition, and how it may be healed