• Trade uber alles means, by definition, subordinating national security considerations to the ambitions of those who seek profits through commerce.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Trading With The ��Enemy��

  • "So there may be situations in which the taking of photographs may cause or lead to public order situations, inflame an already tense situation, or raise security considerations, " it said.

    BBC: Is it a crime to take pictures?

  • Arguably in violation of the legally binding decision she had herself crafted, Livni, together with Sharon, claimed that national security considerations overrode the stipulations of the decision and therefore Sharon was within his rights to order that the expulsions be carried out in one operation that lasted a less than a week.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Mrs. Clean is a fraud

  • The IMF should be urged to embark on a study, much like that conducted in January 2008, of loan conditions focused on security-related risk considerations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Doing business with Iran

  • Michael Chertoff, the former secretary of homeland security, said diplomatic considerations make it difficult for the government to take action against suspected adversaries from other countries.

    WSJ: Cyberattack on Spam Fighter Said to Be Over

  • For all the foregoing considerations, the Center for Security Policy believes that the United States and its allies would be well advised to join Germany in extending recognition to Croatia and Slovenia immediately .

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • These considerations prompt the Center for Security Policy to conclude that, if the budget summit is not to do real violence to the economic health and security of the Nation, the only possible outcome is to slip the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings targets for FY1991 and the outyears.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • And individual investors, investment banks, fund-managers and particularly public pension funds should expand their "due diligence" assessments to include national security, human rights and other appropriate non-financial considerations so that the American people -- six out of ten of whom are now reportedly in the capital markets -- have the data required to make informed investment decisions.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Others contended that this was hardly a preordained outcome and that cutting a program so vital to U.S. security strictly on financial grounds rather than with due regard to the relevant strategic considerations was irresponsible and possibly reckless.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roundtable Discussion On The B-2 Bomber

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