You see the sun, and you see your mom's lipstick and how beautiful she is.
Those on the ground should see the sun disappear for only a few minutes.
We started to see the sun rise and maybe we're a little further into that.
Those people not directly under the eclipse will be able to see the sun only partially obscured.
When I see the sun, blue sky and feel balmy breezes on my skin, my inner voice of resistance looses its strength.
FORBES: NYC Psychiatrist and Hemingway On The Benefits Of Exercise On Work And Depression
While some analysts see the Sun suite as being directed more towards home users, Grabau believes the software is also suitable for business use.
See the sun come up over Sydney Harbour .
CNN: 24 hours in Sydney: Cocktails, scenic walks ... and sharks?
Find this orientation by looking through the crystal at the sky at a time when you can see the sun, mark the sun's direction on the crystal, and your mark will always point towards the sun when you match the beams from even a tiny patch of blue in an otherwise overcast sky.
ECONOMIST: How Norsemen found their way round in cloudy weather
Outside my hotel room window, a thin layer of clouds has stolen over the valley, diffusing the light and making it difficult to see where the sun really is.
See, the sun is coming out -- (applause.) I love being back in Iowa.
"When we started off it was a nice cold day, we could see the sky as the sun was out, " said the Bangor university student.
Londoners will see a 95% eclipse, and those in the north of Scotland will see 75% of the sun hidden.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Hysteria overshadowing eclipse - MP
Then you flew your Learjet up to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun.
Through the water he can see ripply sun-designs on the river bottom.
So many are reporting in the coming weeks so it will be very interesting to see what they say about the sun and all its rays going forward.
Of course, with skyrocketing oil prices, alternative energies, becoming more attractive, will also see their day in the sun.
This summer he's taking a group to Pamplona, where they will meet a Hemingway grandson and see the running of the bulls immortalized in The Sun Also Rises.
While Bartels has watched server makers like Sun Microsystems suffer from economic troubles since as early as the beginning of the year, (see "Sun Eclipsed By Poor Results--Again") he says that the recent and dramatic widening of the banking crisis means more pain is in store for other IT firms--including Cisco.
Sunday is Histon's time to shine and chairman Gareth Baldwin wants to see the club make the most of their moment in the sun.
That's part of what pulls the boys into their hero's wobbly orbit from the very first moment they see him up close, squinting in the summer sun with a cigarette in his teeth.
George Osborne has been looking at securing the headlines this year by scrapping a much hated tax: the so-called "beer tax" - the automatic 2% increase above inflation in alcohol duty - which both the Sun and the Sunday People have campaigned to see the back of.
The sun, you see, was unfair competition to the candle makers in the provision of light.
Stella Foster, an entertainment columnist for the Chicago-Sun Times, said she didn't see anything wrong with the interview.
Then, mom and dad can see another side of the city once the sun sets.
Most outsiders who visit Atiu come not for beaches and sun, but to see the rainforests, the ancient coral caves and the riot of birdlife, which includes some of the rarest species in the South Pacific, such as the brilliantly plumed Rimatara lorikeet.
Let's see you mortgage your farm on Sun and AOL the very minute Robert Shiller turns up on his third magazine cover--a sure buy sign.
It is easy to see why Oracle, Netscape and Sun are together promoting the Java language, since the success of the network computer would create a bigger market for all three.