The government seized Superior in 2000 after it collapsed because of poor lending practices and shoddy bookkeeping.
The service members were seized from their boat in the Persian Gulf on March 23.
They seized the children's laptops and mobile phones and a PC from the house.
They were the means the banks used to finance lending before the wholesale markets seized up.
It has seized on natural disasters, such as earthquakes, to play an active civil-defence role.
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) report said the wheel's outer bearing had seized.
The weapon used in the attacks was seized before another blade was discovered in his pocket.
Arnold, accompanied by lawyers and police escorts, seized 134, 000 watches, watchbands and Cartier trademark logos.
He had wanted to get into manufacturing consumer products, so he seized the opportunity.
Police also seized a sizable quantity of VHS and Betamax video tapes, 8mm tapes and discs.
Four Italian journalists were seized in Syria earlier this month but freed soon afterwards.
Buffett seized on this failing of Black-Scholes in a letter to Berkshire shareholders three years ago.
Anti-nuclear protestors in Germany seized on the catastrophe to push the chancellor to reverse her stance.
Ullah was seized with his brother, Zahid, at a house outside Islamabad, police said.
The goods seized from them included mascara with 20 times the safe level of lead.
His comrades seized the entire German naval archive, later used as evidence in the Nuremberg trials.
Turkey is a more complex place than it was when the generals seized power in 1980.
Last year UK authorities also seized counterfeit versions of heart attack and cancer treatments.
In 1991, 1.5m pirated Congolese cassettes were seized in nearby Togo in a single bust.
You end up getting seized by a sense of possibility, excitement -- inspiration, even.
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Venerable charities such as Oxfam America and Heifer International have seized on the opportunity.
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Should he just have stood by while credit seized up and ATMs stopped working?
But Yukos shares slumped again when prosecutors said they had seized a 61% stake.
The Seleka rebel group seized power after a peace deal negotiated with Mr Bozize collapsed.
The six seized alleged pirates were handed over to French justice officials to be tried.
As his assets were seized and sold at auction, Courbet drank himself to death.
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But when authorities seized his hard drives, parts of them were encrypted with the program TrueCrypt.
FORBES: Two Cases' Lessons: If Cops Don't Know What You Encrypted, They Can't Make You Decrypt It
In early July it seized Bunagana, a strategic town on the border with Uganda.
They seized it with massive siege mentality and coming to Wales, it's never been any different.
Tyrone took the lead through a Davy Harte point but Armagh soon seized the initiative.
BBC: SPORT | Northern Ireland | Gaelic Games | McConville fires Armagh to glory