It argues that architects should take greater account of the tastes of ordinary people and move away from large, self-aggrandizing buildings.
He has endured the embarrassment of watching his private, self-aggrandizing e-mails--collected by Spitzer's investigators--leak into the pages of the Wall Street Journal.
FORBES: The Scapegoat
Those who study the psyches of criminals said Dorner's aggressive and self-aggrandizing rant indicates a classic case of malignant narcissist personality disorder.
NPR: Court File: LA Ex-Cop Was Disturbed, Self-Obsessed
Some Masters of the Universe have such rotten hubris, such selfish, self-aggrandizing drives they act like primitive warriors from a more violent time.
FORBES: The 2008 Meltdown And Where The Blame Falls
Is this another self-aggrandizing hip-hop star claiming rap supremacy?
NPR: First Listen: Black Milk, 'Album Of The Year'
So, yeah, unless you're toting a guitar case and cramming yourself into a sweaty tour bus every other month, we suggest leaving the term "rock star" out of your job title -- and even then, the whole "star" classification seems a little self-aggrandizing.
CNN: Beware, ninjas, of how you name yourself online