The balance between self-direction, digital exploration, and maintaining productivity is indeed a delicate one.
If you have or are considering opening these types of accounts, it is worth looking into an administrator that permits self-direction.
Similarly, employee self-direction and freedom (a la Google and Atlassian) is often perceived as a frivolous luxury confined to the world of quirky technology developers.
In a fabulous lecture discussing true motivators of human behavior (in a nutshell: self-direction and to master good ideas and worthwhile skills) writer Daniel Pink describes Atlassian Software.
Smaller companies may do the same, but are more likely to allow self-direction of investments, allowing the participant to choose among stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other available investments, similar to the investment options available in a self-directed IRA. If investments in the 401(k) are limited, Casey will need to decide whether he prefers to contribute to an IRA, which would provide a broader range of investments from which to choose.
But future technologies are pointing in an even more exhaustive, and some would say intrusive, self-monitoring direction.
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Great ideas dry up and go away (underground or to other enterprises), and great execution evaporates, a victim of turf wars, unclear direction, self-protectiveness and lack of accountability.
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They self-organized and successfully determined the direction, speed and size of a series of armored vehicles.
The IMF gives its employees--Geithner included--direction on how to pay self-employment taxes.
Approaching the problem from the direction of failure inevitability is self-serving.
He recognizes that the struggle to control our destructive tendencies can be incrementally moved in the right direction by people becoming more self-aware (or, in language popular today, cultivate mindfulness).
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Germans in both the FRG and the GDR are moving inexorably in this direction, not the least for self-evident economic reasons.
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Few are likely to accept that they are duty-bound to follow opinion polls, even if their instinct for self-preservation may drive them in that direction.
Lanvin, under the direction of designer Alber Elbaz, a self-proclaimed L.A. admirer, opened a shop last year.
WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Los Angeles | Journal Concierge
Her self-less love did not flow in my direction because she was a woman but because she was a saint.
So after I told Ann that we could negotiate a better compensation package for her food-water-shelter offer, I asked her to tell me the top five reasons she should have one foot out the door and pointed in the direction of her 16-year-old self.
FORBES: Top 5 Reasons Why You Have to Have One Foot Out the Door
The downward slope becomes the same self-fulfilling prophecy that the upslope represented, just in the opposite direction.
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Technology advances in the last few years have replaced older, faster-moving windmills with new, self-monitoring turbines whose 150-foot long blades adjust to wind direction and speed.
The Kochs have gone well beyond their immediate self-interest, however, funding organizations that aim to push the country in a libertarian direction.
Many analysts believe that markets suffer from "herd mentality" - it it hard not to trade in the same direction as all traders believe the market is going, and it therefore becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Conservatives want the new independent self-regulatory body to be governed by a board which would be set up "without any direction from industry or influence from government".
If people know what is best for them, but lack the self-discipline to choose it, some governments might also be tempted to nudge their citizens in the right direction.