Another senior officer, Nigel Yeo, was disciplined and given confidential "written advice" from the authority.
The senior officer in charge of the inquiry awarded the investigation a clean bill of health.
During that time he rose through the ranks to become a senior officer in the Ugandan army.
CNN: From child refugee to Rwanda's reconciliation president
One senior officer told us if you want to stay alive, you better stay inside the city.
Mr Lebed was that rare Russian bird: a senior officer more or less in favour of democracy.
The senior officer has made his comments in the latest edition of the force's magazine, Northern Light.
BBC: Local policing 'will continue' in new single Scots force
Shahzad's father is a retired senior officer in the Pakistani Air Force, Shahzad's cousin, Kafayat Ali, said Tuesday.
At his funeral at Carlisle Cathedral a senior officer described him as a good soldier with "bags of potential".
His father is a retired senior officer in the Pakistani Air Force, Shahzad's cousin, Kafayat Ali, said on Tuesday.
The senior officer who was hit by a stone died on the way to hospital, police spokesperson Judith Nabakooba said.
He is thought to be the most senior officer arrested as part of inquiries set up after the hacking scandal.
Former senior officer at Northamptonshire County Council Mr Simmonds won against Lee Barron with 57.3% after second preferences were counted.
Mr Cannon is surprisingly gentle with the police officers who arrested Mr King, particularly the senior officer present, Stacey Koon.
Mrs O'Loan has recommended a senior officer from an outside police force be asked to conduct an investigation into the bombing.
The meeting went ahead without Tolimir, who is recognized by NATO as the Serb army's senior officer because overall commander Gen.
CNN: Bosnia talks founder as key Bosnian Serb fails to turn up
It was announced on Saturday a complaint against a senior officer involved in the disaster, Sir Norman Bettison, was to be investigated.
Director, Senior Officer Pierre Carrier, bought 5, 000 shares of AMX stock on February 26, 2013 at the average price of 0.1.
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Ms Millar later received a call from a senior officer to make sure Steven had been told off for wasting police time.
The MPA said if he found himself in a similar position they would expect him to "seek the guidance of a senior officer".
Al-Mawla, a Shiite Muslim, was a senior officer in Saddam Hussein's army and is now a high-ranking member of Iraq's national reconciliation committee.
Afterward, a senior officer laid a wreath on a memorial to five pre-Revolutionary War royal governors who had been born in the historic city.
Hampshire's senior officer said Mr Denholm had a "good track record".
"There is a thriving undercurrent economy here, which in the present economic climate will get worse, " said Ann Jackson, senior officer with Norfolk Trading Standards.
BBC: Counterfeit designer goods donated to Norfolk charities
The more one knows about Admiral Fallon's conduct as a senior officer in sensitive positions around the world, the more unappealing his candidacy should be.
The once-mighty Vladivostok fleet, for example, is a tenth its former size, says Sergei Khromykh, a former senior officer on a nuclear armed destroyer who now runs a travel agency.
Jay Herring, a former senior officer with Carnival Cruise Lines who worked on the Triumph from 2002 to 2004, said the ship was not problematic when he was on it.
The absurdity of this situation was on display last week as the Navy's former senior officer, retired Chief of Naval Operations Vernon Clark, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
The aim is for the force to be ready to go at five days notice - this, in military terms, is "the speed of light" as once senior officer told me.
"I am determined to make some savings at senior officer level and make savings at the estate to procure equipment better to provide more money for front line officers, " he said.
Police investigating the murder were so alarmed about heavy drinking by the crew while ashore that the senior officer wrote to Hampshire's Chief Constable to highlight the issue and the warning was passed to military authorities.