Microsoft has certainly contributed to its own public relations woes, sometimes haplessly, sometimes senselessly.
CNN: Brickbats for Bill
The best comedy is not just senselessly rebellious, coarse or cruel but uses its cruelty to make a further point.
ECONOMIST: It��s stupidity, stupid
Paramount Pictures said the decision for Jack Reacher was made "out of honour and respect for the families of the victims whose lives were senselessly taken".
BBC: TV episodes dropped after US shootings
"The defendant is accused of committing what is every subway commuter's worst nightmare - being suddenly and senselessly pushed into the path of an oncoming train, " he said.
BBC: US & Canada
In what looks like the theatre of the absurd, prosecutors have for weeks been senselessly reading out pages from their multi-volume case, often confusing pages and repeating passages twice.
ECONOMIST: Russia's political leaders
Fancy cars quickly reveal themselves to be huge pains in the ass: stick shift is senselessly annoying in the city and the wheels are constantly acquiring minute, infuriating blemishes.
FORBES: What Does It Feel Like To Be A Self-Made Millionaire Under The Age Of 25?
The families of those killed so senselessly deserve answers.
CNN: Life edges back to normal in Boston -- with lives changed
"I have appointed Baroness Newlove - whose husband, Garry, was so senselessly murdered after standing up to drunken vandals - to become the government's champion for active, safer communities, " Mrs May will say.
BBC: Helen Newlove becomes ambassador in bad behaviour fight
We want every teenager who knows how to code to have an incentive to develop a new accessibility technology that may help these people enjoy media -- we may have no idea the potential innovations that we have criminalized senselessly.
CNN: Unlocking your cell phone is no crime
Unless we are prepared to abandon our fundamental values altogether, the rule of law must retain its vitality in war and in peace, even when terrorists topple our buildings into rubble and senselessly murder our citizens in the American homeland.
FORBES: Does A Military Trial For KSM Make Any Sense?