The brush is embedded with a Bluetooth chip that sends the sensory data to a mobile app that records your dental hygiene protocol.
The group decided to roll-up their sleeves and create a sensory garden at the home of the Beesons, a foster carer family in Wellingborough.
The experiment also shows that a new sensory input can be interpreted by a region of the brain that normally does something else (without having to "hijack" the function of that brain region).
It looks like pure fat, but it isn't, really, just mainly, and when served in the split shank bone (as at places like the Knickerbocker or Prune in New York City), one portion will keep you in a state of sensory-specific satiety for a week.
You will find yourself in the midst of a sensory assault as you soak up the aroma of roast chicken and bratwurst, pick out a colourful gingerbread heart to take home to your loved ones and avert your gaze from the pimply-faced teen who has had one beer too many.
The Hand-writing mode is a sensory function allowing text messaging from hand writing.
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Boasting an iconic sail inspired design and crystal clear sound reproduction, Edifier's Spinnaker evokes a sensory experience unlike any other.
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For a sensory overload spike, head for Piazza del Duomo to absorb the Siena Cathedral, one of Italy's finest Gothic structures.
Instead, they've included some sensory criteria as a possible manifestation of autism.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
It will also create a sensory garden in the grounds and improve the kitchen facilities, allowing the venue to stage functions such as weddings.
An outdoor classroom and part of a sensory garden at an Aberdeen school for children with special educational needs have been destroyed by fire.
The group plans to install some disabled ramps, cut back the garden, put in new decking, lights, a water feature and build a sensory garden.
My respondents told me that ameliorating sensory overload, a huge component of being autistic, might go a long way to easing learning for autistic people, for example.
When illuminated, these "opsin" proteins change the flow of electrically charged ions within the cell, to help the cell turn light into energy or as a sensory cue.
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Additionally, a sensory pad was applied onto our forearm's medial cutaneous nerve (around the elbow area) to pick up our muscular nerve signal -- similarly, Cyberdyne's lower-body exosuit requires two sensors on each leg.
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If you do get lucky, you are in for a sensory treat: familiar ingredients are used alongside intriguing Nordic delicacies such as reindeer moss from Finland, Icelandic skyr (similar to strained yoghurt) and sea buckthorn berries.
At this level, the group can be viewed as a superorganism, with each individual being a sensory and motor organ of the whole, contributing to the well being of the group and sharing vicariously in its collective experience.
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The DSM's experts considered adding sensory processing disorder as a separate malady for the first time.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
Rather like the fruit stall at a market, it provides a thrilling sensory experience.
The teacher had told the parents that the child should be evaluated by an occupational therapist for a suspected sensory problem.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
Wander any of the cobblestoned streets throughout the Centro Historico, where you'll find a ragtag sensory overload of booksellers, food vendors and knick-knack purveyors.
It opened in 1993, with the company securing the building next door in 2011 to expand and build a further sensory room, due to open shortly.
The former prime minister has sensory peripheral neuropathy, a condition that has impaired the conduction of sensation from his legs to his spinal cord, according to Ms. Lee, director of Singapore's National Neuroscience Institute.
Like all brains, Stanley's has a range of sensory inputs to process.
The models of the sensory systems will run on a cluster of powerful graphics cards that can carry out the calculations needed to simulate bee brains.