No creationist in academia has a belief in fixity of species, indeed no serious minded scientist who believes in Creation has ever denied natural selection and change within kinds.
From what I can see by the feedback, even hard-core readers (not to mention serious-minded conservatives everywhere) were aghast.
As the contemporary-art market roared upwards in the 1980s, serious-minded connoisseur collectors were joined by multi-millionaires with huge amounts of disposable income.
To serious-minded 17th Century men and women, the ephemeral bloom of the gorgeous tulip, and the high price attached to it, symbolised the moral dilemma of conspicuous spending.
Justin Chang, Variety: This hugely ambitious action-drama nonetheless retains the moral urgency and serious-minded pulp instincts that have made the Warners franchise a beacon of integrity in an increasingly comicbook-driven Hollywood universe.
The report has plenty of comfort for more serious-minded journalists, as well as for the campaigning groups, scientists and others who worry about the chilling effect of libel law on press freedom.
ECONOMIST: Media and the law: Publish, perish, protest | The
It also seems unlikely that a foreign government would have got involved in such an escapade, though some normally serious-minded Ukrainians believe that America is eager to replace Mr Kuchma with Mr Yushchenko.
These corporations tend to see Africa simply as the bottom of the supply chain rather than a market for serious, business-minded investments.
This almost absent-minded gorging had serious mental consequences.
Yet to widespread surprise, including his family's, Mr Chandler soon set about turning the Times into a serious, intelligent and broadly fair-minded paper better suited to the increasingly varied people now pouring into southern California, not all of whom were as vacuous and unlettered as their reputation supposed.