Meanwhile, Van Gogh, with a serrated beard and craggy eye, stands beside his mangled, bleeding ear.
If the cakes have crowned, use a long serrated knife and a gentle sawing motion to even them.
He was close enough to see the serrated edges on every three-inch tooth.
The serrated bread knife cuts with a sawing motion instead of a downward force, keeping your sandwich from getting smooshed.
The basic design--a long piece of metal, with a serrated blade, attached to a handle--didn't change much for several millennia.
The animal's pointed, serrated teeth and large gaping jaw meant it would have been suited to feeding on large-bodied prey.
Featuring a durable flat cord with a serrated finish, the MDR-XB60EX headphones are designed to reduce tangles by eliminating friction between cable surfaces.
Once cooked all the way around (after about five minutes), use a sharp or serrated knife to saw the kernels off the cob.
WSJ: Josh Habiger and Erik Anderson's Elote Corn Salad With Piment��n-Mayo | Slow Food Fast
The only way to get here, other than by boat, is to hike 9 miles of shoreline serrated by cliffs and impassable at high tide.
Set in a steeply serrated stretch of southwestern Colorado's San Juan range, it gets 400 inches of snow a year--33% more than most Colorado resorts.
The jungle outpost of Lago Agrio is in northeastern Ecuador, where the elevation plummets from the serrated ridge of the Andes to the swampy lowlands of the Amazon Basin.
To the west are the saw-edges of glacier-encrusted rock and ice, serrated by more than 30 jagged peaks heavy with snow, the highest of which is 6, 768m-high Huascaran, the tallest mountain in the tropics.
No matter the temperature, the cake is so pretty it should be cut at the table, so bring it out on a platter and cut it into generous wedges using a serrated knife and a sawing motion.
Giganotosaurus hunted Argentinosaurus in packs, stalking and felling the giant leaf-eater on the open savannah before ripping its flesh apart with serrated teeth eight inches long - teeth which protruded from a skull bigger in size than a modern-day bathtub.
My anxiety was not eased by the presence of steak knives with heavy wooden handles and sharp serrated blades, and a sort of diabolical trolley that was wheeled, steaming, to the table by a stout man with a pencil mustache who with the flourish of a gleaming knife indicated the meat and demanded to know where I wanted it carved.