The site, at Pride Park, will operate part of Sky's customer service centre.
Games company Electronic Arts is creating 300 new jobs at its European customer service centre in Galway, in the Republic of Ireland.
The Shared Transaction Service Centre, nicknamed The Hub, went live on 2 January and was designed to save the States money by centralising payments.
Its customer service centre, MyCouncil, will be running a limited reception service on both days, while the local MyCouncils at Britwell, Langley and Cippenham will be shut, it said.
Merloni can connect machines to a service centre via a phone line, making possible off-site billing, testing and the dispatch of an engineer who knows what needs fixing in advance.
In a car, such a system could analyse a developing fault and add it to a coming service schedule if it were minor, or if it were more serious locate a nearby service centre, check on workshop availability and suggest the driver go there immediately.
The site, called The Hollies, on Straight Road, is a former civil service sports centre.
Most rooms have balconies and views of the sea, plus there is a full service business centre and boardroom for meetings.
For example the Manchester centre will be providing a satellite service in Wytheshaw town centre in the New Year.
First, the debt-collection business has begun to merge with the bigger customer-service call-centre industry.
Early this month Mr Berlusconi himself accused the foreign press of being at the service of the centre-left opposition.
Nationwide said it may increase the 300 staff based there as they move to mainstream customer service and call centre operations.
BBC: Nationwide expected to shed 500 jobs in regional shake-up
Rail's city-center-to-city-centre service is also becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to flying.
The Jason Spencer Trust will run the service at a new centre in the Arboretum neighbourhood.
Cooke has also been convicted of dangerous driving and was ordered to serve 100 hours of community service following a city centre brawl.
British Airways also created an online jet lag fighting calculator, where the advice is based on research by Chris Idzikowski, director of the sleep assessment and advisory service at Edinburgh Sleep Centre.
The Gilchrist Birthing Unit and complementary medicine service have moved to the centre from the site's former Gilchrist Building.
Southwold Town Council plans to set up a new minibus service to circumnavigate the town centre, harbour and Reydon.
The real problem arose when the service jobs also started to go abroad, when every other service company's call centre suddenly seemed to be based in Bangalore, in the middle of India, not Indiana.
It also offers a careers advice service, information bureau, volunteer centre and outreach services.
It has proposed a bus service to operate between the town centre and Coyte Farm if the plans are approved.
Dr Julian Kabala, consultant radiologist in Bristol said he felt it was important to have the service close to a major population centre.
Professor Barbara Wilson, director of research at the Oliver Zingwell Centre, said the service helped to improve the quality of people's daily lives.
Critics raised concerns that if local knowledge was lost because calls were being answered in a regional centre instead of the service's two centres in Devon and Somerset, it could affect response times and risk lives.
West Yorkshire Fire Service officers are now working with shopping centre managers to find a solution to the problem.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Yorkshire | Carols ban 'a misunderstanding'
It has taken a non-controlling stake in a string of businesses in recent years, from a garden centre to an online streaming service.
The purpose-built operations centre for South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust will be a hazardous area response team (HART) base.
Police were called by the ambulance service to an address at The Tower Centre in Alvescot Road, Carterton, shortly before 08:00 GMT.
BBC: Carterton murder inquiry: Police hold two men and woman
In Edinburgh, Erskine veterans and residents of the Army Recovery Centre, held a memorial service at the Erskine Home in Edinburgh, where they laid wreaths and remembered their fallen colleagues.
The very act of shifting from an in-house data centre to an on-demand service can start a powerful discovery process.
BBC: How the New York Times cleaned house after its hack attack