It's been out there for at least seven years, maybe 10 years, mainly in hospitals.
Building work for the plant, near Leiston, began in 1988 and it started operating seven years later.
The study, which involved 750 patients from 19 centres across the UK, took seven years to complete.
Hugh Gunn, 67, was diagnosed with severe prostate cancer seven years ago, but has not broken a bone.
When Shu Kim and Khanh Pham met working at Lehman Brothers seven years ago, they became fast friends.
Petlan arrived here seven years ago, helping Idaho's Hispanic population surge nearly 30 percent.
It represents the largest increase since the company began its quarterly payments seven years ago.
Prosecutors asked for a prison sentence of seven years and three months, plus financial penalties.
But seven years ago Blackwell tried something offbeat: He launched the career of an Olympic athlete.
Some scholars claim it was here Odysseus dallied for seven years with the goddess Calypso.
Her father had ceased to exercise tutelage over her since his stroke seven years earlier.
He has been shocking watch collectors--to their delight--since he introduced his brand seven years ago.
In his seven years as the head man, Liddy has never shied away from difficult decisions.
New York could choose to buy out the remaining seven years of Richards' contract.
Then he remembered something he heard seven years prior when working at a pallet-repair factory.
If convicted, they face up to seven years in jail, according to Indian law.
Fifty-seven years after the Firebird II headlined the GM Motorama, the turbines are no longer needed.
The 28-year-old Dominican left Santo Domingo about seven years ago and started out in California.
Six or seven years ago, trains used to run six or seven hours late.
Even one missed payment is a black mark on your credit history for seven years.
Mr Poloz will take up his post, which runs for seven years, next month.
Mrs Wheeldon was sentenced to 10 years, Alfred seven years and Winnie five years.
Wilma, the last Category 3 or stronger storm, occurred more than seven years ago.
FORBES: 'Greeny Lying Bastards' and Other Carbon Disinformation
Britton has had seven years at Swansea but is out of contract next summer.
For the next seven years, she lived in a camper with a man she had met.
Over the past seven years, one of Krzyzewski's most important partnerships has been with James.
He was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and was sentenced to seven years in jail.
For seven years, she lived from hospital visit to hospital visit, one transfusion to the next.
Seven years later, with the Cold War looming, a similar scene played out with another president.
And during the last seven years, in fact, median income for Americans has fallen.