In 1759, in the battle of Quiberon Bay during the Seven Years War, the British fleet commanded by Admiral Hawke destroyed the French invasion fleet under Admiral Conflans.
This was the Seven years' War, described by Winston Churchill as the first "world war" for its immense scope.
In 1763, the Treaty of Hubertusburg was signed, ending hostilities between Austria and Prussia in the Seven Years' War.
That would be the summer of 2010 - two years from now, and more than seven years after the war began.
CNN: Obama: Iraq's timetable demand 'an enormous opportunity'
Seven years later, with the Cold War looming, a similar scene played out with another president.
The Times article noted that seven years ago Bill Gates predicted the war on spam would be won in two years.
Religious tolerance began to crumble, culminating seven years later in the outbreak of the 30 Years War.
Mr Carter apparently read more than 35 books on the war in preparation, and spent seven years writing The Hornet's Nest.
Seven years on from the bid, one of the largest post-war public works projects has been delivered.
ECONOMIST: The city is trying to pull off a mightily ambitious games
Emptied of all aspirations and ideology, the Japanese spent the next seven years (the allied occupation lasted almost twice as long as the Pacific war itself) having their minds filled with a wholly new vision and set of dreams.
He entered Parliament in 1945 in Labour's post-war landslide and became Speaker in 1976, a post he held until his retirement seven years later.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Speaker's memories go under the hammer
The idea of Oslo not as a new era of peace but an interlude between two periods of war will come as a shock to many who witnessed the Great Handshake on the White House Lawn seven years ago.