Think the unthinkable, the thing that scares you to think about several times a day.
Despite being a key player over the years, Figo was substituted several times during Euro 2004.
Her husband, Praveen, has said that several times over a three-day period they asked for a termination.
BBC: Savita Halappanavar death: Husband has faith in inquest
Mr Lissouba has visited Congo's President Laurent Kabila several times recently, and appeared to get a sympathetic reception.
During the war the London store was bombed several times causing great damage every time.
FORBES: Selfridges: A Shopper's Paradise With A Colorful Founder
She has testified several times before House and the Senate committees on financial issues.
The answer: because, in doing so, it could potentially make good those losses several times over.
FORBES: Here's How Fox Could Make Billions By Ditching Broadcasting
Vega's upper-stage had to ignite several times to get all three satellites in their correct orbits.
BBC: Esa's Vega rocket puts Proba-V vegetation mission in orbit
He said the tornado touched down several times in Hood, Tarrant, Dallas and Parker counties.
Mr Saleh has said he would go several times before but has reneged each time.
The car hydroplaned, skidded into an embankment and rolled several times down a long incline.
Gonzalez had asked for permission to do so several times, but the U.S. government initially refused.
He makes all capital expenditure decisions and sends auditors to each division several times a year.
His interactions with Fenton before the shooting have come up several times during court proceedings.
We later moved several times after that and are currently staying in a rental in Iwaki.
Mike Walsh, a real estate developer and customer has used several times.
The central bank has already cut interest rates several times in the past few months.
Jackson could have packed the Tokyo Dome several times in a world tour, he said.
The four-year-old swivelled around several times before falling backwards into the water in his enclosure.
Imagine a gambler who bets on his lucky number and wins several times in a row.
Fixed-income trading has proved particularly challenging, and he has reorganized the unit's management several times.
Paulson meets with members of his technology teams up to several times a day.
You and others have mentioned the figure a million jobs saved several times throughout the briefing.
We considered that idea several times in the past but it never penciled out.
He was also investigated and cleared by the Securities and Exchange Commission several times.
In theory, this means that the rescue fund's power could be magnified several times.
The interactive system allows students to repeat techniques several times, and at their own pace.
BBC: Virtual reality surgery software to aid trainee surgeons
Several times recently, the Producer's Guild's best picture was not the Academy's best picture.
But he has said several times that America has no intention of attacking North Korea.
Some unlucky customers had to suffer thousands of deleted messages being re-delivered several times.