East Lindsey District Council said the odour diaries would help determine if an Anglian Water sewage plant is to blame, and potentially help the council to take legal action.
Add in legal and institutional barriers (Germany is a federal state, Poland a centralised one, something that almost killed the sewage plant), and the road to a common future for the two cities looks bumpy.
Simply put, the sewage from our homes is combined with the sewers in the street before it is piped to the local sewage treatment plant control.
The site, on the banks of the Humber Estuary at Salt End already has a big chemical processor, a power station and a sewage treatment plant.
Salonika's new but unfinished sewage-treatment plant wafts its fragrance across the otherwise attractive waterfront.
The results include a common sewage-treatment plant in Gubin, and a school in Guben where classes are taught in both German and Polish.
While the swim might seem likely to get cut, Korff cited a 2011 fire at a sewage-treatment plant that led to millions of gallons of waste flowing into the Hudson.
The power generated helps run the sewage treatment works next to the United Utilities plant.
Other times the attacks are more personal:In 2000 a discontented consultant, rejected for a job at a water treatment plant in Australia, remotely hacked into a sewage treatment system and released 264, 000 gallons of raw sewage into rivers and parks.
The court heard how the spills saw untreated sewage engulf areas around the loch, "smothering" plant life and starving the surrounding water of oxygen.
The water company has agreed to buy 75 GWh of this output to run Beckton sewage works, which serves 3.5 million people, and the nearby desalination plant, operated in times of drought or other emergencies.
Thus, the algae production plant should be placed in close mutual proximity with a power station and a sewage-works.
FORBES: Report Says Algal Biofuels May Not Cut Carbon Emissions, But Read More Closely