However, even with 2010's 13 hatchlings, it will take a long time to see a substantial boost in numbers because each Siamese crocodile takes at least 15 years to reach sexualmaturity.
She explained that female African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are able to give birth from about 10-12 years but males did not reach sexualmaturity until the age of 25-30 years.
Among the species threatened by bottom fishing is the orange roughy, which lives for more than a century and takes decades to reach sexualmaturity: in those gloomy depths, creatures aren't used to sudden events.
The scientists believe the varying lengths are explained by the fact that millipedes continue to grow additional segments and legs even after they have reached sexualmaturity - so the 750-legged millipede found in 1926 may have been an older specimen.
Song writers from the period showed a remarkable degree of maturity in trying to capture what the new transience in sexual relationships actually meant.