The pros also think the U.S. dollar and commodities will both rise sharply in 2010.
He has broken sharply with the fiscal pattern of earlier Labour governments in one respect, however.
Then, as the road curves sharply round to the left, Can Cires restaurant comes into view.
Civilian deaths from violence in Iraq fell sharply in May, according to Iraqi government figures.
If rates rise quickly, bond prices could fall sharply and cash could start to earn higher yields.
Dr. ANDERSON: Well, it affects at a great deal because living conditions vary very sharply with income.
But KeyCorp, like many other mortgage lenders, is facing sharply declining financial results from residential mortgage lending.
The deal Congress refuses to ratify would remove or sharply reduce tariffs on most U.S. exports to Colombia.
The Spyder Trust ( SPY) moved sideways for the following three weeks before it dropped sharply.
Some exporters were sharply lower: Mazda Motor Corp. dropped 7.2% and Sharp Corp. was 10% lower.
Stocks in Tokyo rebounded sharply Wednesday after posting near record losses during the previous two days.
FORBES: Japanese Stocks Rebound Despite Growing Radiation Fears
In both cases the higher cost reserves will come into play only when prices rise sharply.
Oil exploration and production companies have fallen as sharply as has the price of oil.
The Great Lakes region has been sharply divided over how to deal with the threat.
Bank of America, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase have rallied sharply over the past 12 months.
FORBES: After Bernanke's QE Sent Stocks To Record Highs, Will Fed Tapering Collapse The Market?
And last year deaths from C-difficile went up in Wales, but fell sharply in England.
These new entrants brought little capital with them, so the global capital-labour ratio dropped sharply.
Nokia ( NOK) saw its yield inch toward 8% as revenue growth dropped sharply.
The ISM Mfg Index dropped sharply from 54.2 in February to 51.3 in March.
Although prices have dropped sharply, houses are still overvalued in relation to household income.
Non-commercials sharply decreased their net-long position, having cut 2, 145 gross longs and added 4, 864 gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Large Speculators' Gold Net-Long Position Falls To New Low -- CFTC
The following chart shows how the percentage of home ownership rose sharply beginning in 1995.
For example, when oil prices fell sharply in the mid-1980s, oil stocks hardly moved.
On the other hand you can make a case that oil demand might decline sharply.
In the current market environment with equity values down sharply, that perception seems far less likely.
Digital River shares are trading sharply higher Friday following a strong Q4 earnings report.
FORBES: Digital River Flows On: Shares Rally As Q4 Tops Guidance
The yields dropped sharply from the highs, breaking the uptrend, line g, on April 4.
The pace of strikes under Mr. Obama, however, has declined sharply over the past two years.
Non-commercials sharply decreased their net-long position, having cut 3, 334 gross longs and added 3, 684 gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Cut Most Bullish Precious Metals Futures, Options Positioning -- CFTC
Although growth likely bottomed in Q3, it probably will not rebound sharply any time soon.
FORBES: The China Chill Factor: Growth Potential Now Borders 'Hard Landing'