The Great Lakes region has been sharply divided over how to deal with the threat.
For a simple answer, don't ask investment experts, since their outlooks are sharply divided.
Some members of the sharply divided Syrian Opposition Council are threatening to boycott the meeting.
The EU is sharply divided over the budget, as the debt crisis has forced governments to make tough public spending cuts.
In 2010 a sharply divided 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed Kiobel, agreeing that the law did not apply to companies.
Yet sports-medicine specialists are sharply divided over whether any warning is warranted.
Egypt remains sharply divided between Islamists and their liberal and secular opponents.
With opinion sharply divided on high frame rates, Jackson risking it for Hobbit comes back to the film also being in 3D.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Despite shaky 48 fps Hobbit preview, high frame rates will take off
Cities were sharply divided between the upper classes on high and the transient population of boatmen and gamblers that made them rich.
There was a time when an emotional response to abstract sculpture was still so new it sharply divided those who came upon it.
The sharply divided US Congress has been able to agree on one thing at least - that the word "lunatic" should be banned.
And we're going to be working as hard as we can to make progress even in the midst of this sharply divided government.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a DNC Event in Washington, DC
The new pontiff has walked a fine line politically in a country that has often been sharply divided between hard left and hard right.
Egypt is sharply divided between Islamists and their liberal and secular opponents and a boycott of the polls threatens to deepen the split, say correspondents.
Mr Venner's death sharply divided opinion on social media in France.
Almost seven in 10 Egyptians say the end of the Soviet Union was a bad thing and views are sharply divided in India, Kenya and Indonesia.
As expected, a sharply divided Senate voted Thursday afternoon to reject alternative plans put forward by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky.
Immigration reform is a priority for both parties in Washington and so far is one example of bipartisanship this year on major legislation in a sharply divided Congress.
Political coverage is increasingly treacherous terrain for journalists because readers, and the political community itself, are sharply divided about the issues and the purpose of government and politics itself.
Lawmakers are still sharply divided, with the rural lobby in Congress demanding more protection for farmers who have cleared land and environmentalists accusing the government of repealing landmark laws.
The Rehnquist court is often described as sharply divided, with a narrow conservative majority, largely because of a series of 5-4 votes on federalism, affirmative action, religion and abortion.
News coverage of the former prime minister's death in the UK has focused on the fact that she was a major political figure but also that she sharply divided opinion.
The Supreme Court is sharply divided on the issue.
CNN: Supreme Court not ready to debate execution of juveniles
The Edwards case, investigated for two years, sharply divided officials at the Justice Department the first time around, with some viewing the case as likely to fail at trial, according to people familiar with the matter.
Views of the future were sharply divided.
FORBES: The Travails Of Pakistan: Why Some Countries Don't Work
Since then, Lebanon's two most prominent political blocs have been sharply divided in their attitude toward Syria: the ruling pro-Syria alliance led by Mikati and a group of anti-Syrian factions led by Saad Hariri, son of the assassinated former prime minister.
It was a hopeful speech, especially for a president who returns to Washington tomorrow to face the aftermath of hurricane Sandy, as well as the approach of the so-called Fiscal Cliff and a sharply divided Congress with Democrats retaining the Senate and the GOP holding the House.
The agency itself was divided sharply over the position limit regulation and twice the final meeting was postponed until a majority would vote for it.
FORBES: CFTC Position Limits Rule Divides Agency, Angers Market Participants