Nor will it factor in the liquor store in front of which all that shattered glass landed.
The related flash and boom shattered glass in buildings and left about 1, 000 people hurt, authorities said.
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Directed by Billy Ray ("Shattered Glass"), "Breach" focuses on the two months leading up to Hanssen's arrest.
"It was a nightmare scene, a big school bus on its side with shattered glass everywhere, " he said.
Teams of cleaners are carting away wheelbarrow-loads of rubble, wires and shattered glass.
Do you know how much shattered glass there will be in your shop?
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That explosion shattered glass on several storefronts and left the stricken police unit's modified Ford pickup truck charred and mangled.
As the new season begins, the Cards--even some fans call them the Shards, as in shattered glass--have lost 664 games (57%).
The sea was not fifty feet below us, looking like shattered glass, great cracks of wind-lashed spray cutting diagonally across the jagged surface.
So I squeezed into the crumpled passenger area, sat on the shattered glass, and tried to take the pulse from his passenger-side arm (nothing) and his neck (nothing).
After the Nazi annexation of Austria and the violence of Kristallnacht ("the Night of Shattered Glass"), both in 1938, the demand to emigrate escalated, and long lines formed at U.S. consulates.
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And today, a century later, its rooms are full of accomplished women who have overcome discrimination, shattered glass ceilings, and become outstanding role models for all of our sons and daughters.
Sirte, Libya (CNN) -- On the outskirts of Sirte, a mansion with a columned facade lies in ruins, though its opulence is still evident under shattered glass and chunks of concrete.
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It all began with a gust powerful enough to blow a large slat of wood loose from a construction site and send it hurling into a storefront with a slam, spraying shattered glass everywhere.
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Loss adjustors have already visited the church to survey the shattered stained glass window depicting a nativity scene, a broken 17th Century wooden pulpit, a dented lectern and, most importantly, a smashed Victorian frieze behind the altar.
The glass shattered and the goods started falling from the shelves on us because the entire place was shaking badly.
Sandy's final toll will include, for instance, the shattered panes of glass in a third-storey apartment window on a wind-whipped street in Washington DC.
Glass shattered across 200, 000 square kilometers (77, 220 square miles), the state-run RIA Novosti news agency cited the Chelyabinsk regional emergencies ministry as saying Saturday.
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Walls in outlying buildings were flattened and glass shattered.
The glass, shattered before, was now more or less completely separated from the tablet body.
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The pavement is still a carpet of glass from shattered windows in every building.
The forward-thinking design shattered the notion of 1960s glass-box architecture, Mr. Kundig explained.
Our living room was covered with glass from the shattered windows.
Which brings us back to glass ceilings and shattered dreams.
While this news seemed to indicate the glass case had completely shattered via the perception of continued diminishing significance regarding the long-standing magazine franchise, nothing could be further from the truth.
Yannis Stournaras has decided to keep the glass in its half-shattered state, as a monument to what he hopes was the lowest point in Greece's financial crisis.
One day, his wife walked right into him in the hallway and the glass he was holding fell and shattered on the floor.
And I think about all of the opportunities that are still beyond reach for too many young women and too many of our brothers and sisters -- too many of our sisters and mothers and aunts -- all of the glass ceilings that have yet to be shattered.
And a British Transport Police spokesman said a branch of a tree which had fallen onto the rail line near New Cumnock, Ayrshire, shattered the windscreen a freight train, showering the driver with glass.