"Something must have clicked, and she saw an opportunity and she took that opportunity, " he said.
And she grabbed my hand, she squeezed it and she said, 'Oh my God, they're booing!
She was in the hospital and she was feverish and thought she was dying.
She'll continue to do what she wants and she has done very well so far.
Therefore she was what she was, and she did what she did, and we get to watch.
There was a period when she lashed out and she got into trouble and she made mistakes.
Mr. SHAYE: She knows what's right and she knows what's wrong, and she's willing to take a stand.
Another woman on the panel had a husband 17 years older than she, and she was his caregiver.
She is polite, she is decisive and she hands over the credit card without mentioning the word discount.
Now, she's a musician, so, of course, she can harmonize and she can play along on the piano.
She was hesitant at first to join the course, but she changed her mind and she's glad she did.
She's already a proven leader, and she's taken on incumbents in the past, and she has what it takes.
', they will ask her what she has achieved - and she can say she is the Commonwealth champion.
One man grabbed her scarf and hand, she says, and she slapped him.
She knows where she comes from, and she knows who she works for.
For years she lived in a state of chronic fear and watchfulness, restricting where she went and what she did.
But she knows that I drive our tech better than she does and she's happy to leave it to me.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Give me the keys, I'll drive!
She had black hair, blue eyes and porcelain skin, and she stared down students taller and older than she was.
And she took me to my first play, and she stayed up with me and watched the NCAA final four.
"She came home and she rang me up and she said, 'I think I found your next movie', " he said.
And she told me about how hard she works and about all the community service she does with her brother.
She and I were very close and she would have told me if she was having an affair with him.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | 'Inaction partly led to pub killing'
She is very naive, and she kind of thinks through a mist, and she lacks the education to expand her world.
And she tells her family that she loves them and she is sorry for the pain that she has caused them.
But as she recovered, and she regained her strength, she resolved to give some of that strength to others in need.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medals | The White House
This economy can push people into depression and mental illness, she said, and she wants people to know they're not alone.
Nevertheless, she got a job at a local bank, and she was smart and tough and disciplined, and she worked hard.
She now has more work than she can handle and she met her 2012 income goals by the end of May.
But I'm glad she got back up and she got back in the game and she did what she needed to do.
She started swimming at 64, and she inspires me because she does yoga I think every day and is full of life.