"Katherine Jackson has been located and she is fine and with family, " Whitmore said.
While she is doing fine some six months post-op, she has a major pre-existing condition.
Now 6, she is doing fine, Mr. Gibson says.
WSJ: Image Share Program Seeks to Cut Down on Repeat Medical Scans
And because of Stephanie's timely actions, I just had a conversation with Allie downstairs, and she is going to be fine.
"She's looking fine but is having problems with her wisdom teeth, " said Richardson.
Home printing is fine for occasional prints, she notes, while high-street printing makes more sense for larger runs, such as holiday photos.
"He is fine where he is, " she told Portuguese television station TVI.
"I don't believe everything is going to be fine, " she says.
" But she added: "Hedonism is more Ferrari showroom than fine-wine mecca.
WSJ: Welcome to a Hedonist World | Yevgeny Chichvarkin and Hedonism Wines
Miss Stone is aware of the arrests and later said she was "absolutely fine".
"A child is working on some of their fine-motor skills, " she explained.
Trying to interpret her daughter's vague reference to unexpected hardship leads to new concern, but Taylor knows she has to keep her composure and make sure her loved ones overseas are confident everything is fine on the home front.
"This is fine, but it limits the investment horizon in terms of breadth, " she says.
Mrs Hatton, who is adamant she will not pay the fee until ordered to do so by a tribunal, called the fine "totally unreasonable" and said the council was "supercilious".
"The runways are open and everything is fine at the moment because passengers have had more time to check flights with their airline, " she said.