Last year U.S. coal exports hit a record 107 million short tons.
MSN: Coal producers find themselves in a hard place
Mars has said that an extra one million metric tons, or 1.1 million short tons, of cocoa will be needed to satisfy global demand by 2020 if no serious efforts are put in place to increase productivity in nations such as Ivory Coast, where farmers are already turning to alternative crops such as rubber or abandoning their small holdings altogether.
WSJ: Chocolate Makers Fight for Farmers' Loyalty
Today's commercial rockets can lift only about 10 tons into space, far short of what is needed to enable deep-space exploration returning to the Moon, and later venturing on to Mars the things that are and should be NASA's core mission.
WSJ: NASA's SLS Is a Key to Deep Space �� Letters to the Editor
Jack and his short-lived team of vampire killers have tons of them running around their hotel room, some with bare breasts, most wearing tight shorty-shorts that ride up every available crevice, and all looking like they're ready to peel off and pound away at a moment's notice.
CNN: Review: 'John Carpenter's Vampires' stinks worse than garlic
Only small amounts of the tender so far have been procured, meaning NTPC was only able to import 9 million tons of coal in the year to end-March, short of its 16-million-ton target.
WSJ: Graft Worries Slow India Coal Imports