The Fed is shortening the maturity of U.S. debt when just the opposite is called for.
Told that workers want shorter hours, he suggests shortening their lunch hours to 20 minutes.
The Gates Foundation was a big investor in Eni and thus simultaneously lengthening and shortening lives.
How does shortening the term of your mortgage fit into your overall financial profile?
It has been slow to adjust to shortening product cycles in Europe's competitive car market.
Yet North Korea's nuclear ambitions present an explosive threat, on a rapidly shortening fuse.
Yet the simplest fix of all, shortening the campaign season, has never been put on the table.
There are enormous economic benefits to be had by increasing the speed limit and shortening journey times.
The SEC has recommended keeping the rule, but shortening the time the exchange has to fulfil orders.
Yet today investors are shortening, not lengthening, their horizons which can obscure how cheap a growth stock is.
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And, on top of all this, this class of drugs risks shortening the lives of people with dementia.
The fact that we may be shortening or worsening the time we have left hardly seems to register.
More and more people now use domain-name shortening services such as and (The Economist's such offering).
But now the Asian markets are moving toward the Western model of continuous trading, and shortening their lunch breaks.
Shortening the time it takes to pull the plug on a site, some worry, could lead to innocent victims.
Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac won't have to worry so much about the shortening duration of their mortgage portfolios.
Issuers have been cutting cash-back rates, raising redemption thresholds or shortening expiration periods.
It was still early yet and all the shadows wheeling right and shortening.
That, however, suggests that female titi and owl monkeys must be involved in a life-shortening trade-off of their own.
With a pastry cutter or a fork, cut the shortening and salt into the flour until the mix is pebbly.
And, we're shortening the 2012 TIFIA application process to accelerate private financing for bridges, tunnels, transit, and other projects.
And the government may have saved money by shortening the amount of time people spent in alternative housing, officials say.
The problem, of course, is spammers, scammers, and other shady characters have made good use of URL shortening services, too.
The emissions licensing regime, shortening the lifespan of coal-burning power stations, has already begun to take big lumps out of capacity.
The average workweek is a low 34.5 hours thanks to employers shortening workers' hours or asking employees to take unpaid leave.
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He changed it somewhat, lengthening some notes and shortening others, but retaining the melody as he first gave it to me.
Small changes were made over the years, such as making the surface easier to grip and shortening the neck of the bottle.
Rather, he crunched numbers, once proudly telling his grandmother that he had calculated how much her cigarette habit was shortening her life.
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The singer began her career as an actress in pornographic films, shortening her name from Andrea Truden for the sake of her family.
Because the companies rely on user queries to target advertising, shortening the time that search engines keep such records may cut into advertising revenue.
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