Lord Adonis said a combined authority should be set up no later than next April.
Green banks can and should be set up as public private partnerships, allowing further leverage of government funds.
Codifying how this should be set up could involve the private sector, nonprofit organizations and state governments, not to mention Washington.
It should be set up as an independent corporation, owned by and answerable to all the aviation interests, commercial and general.
To manage change, and to ensure that lawyers do not find new ways to restrict competition, a Legal Services Board should be set up.
ECONOMIST: Why it is so difficult to regulate lawyers and doctors
Mr Osborne said the task force should be set up from April when Conservative-run Medway Council's health and wellbeing board takes responsibility for public health.
All this will place a significant burden on the independent Election Commission that Lord Neill recommends should be set up to monitor and enforce the new rules.
David Cameron is likely to praise Leveson's work and principles but argue that a new independent regulator could and should be set up without a new law.
As I have suggested on other occasions, the Congress may wish to consider whether such a framework should be set up for a defined set of nonbank institutions.
He suggested a national body should be set up to help councils contract for social care, providing expertise that is not available to many of the 32 councils.
Mr Miliband said that the inquiries the government plans to establish - to investigate the police investigation into phone hacking and into press regulation and ethics more generally - should be set up immediately.
The group was set up in response to the Williamson Report, published in 2008, into child protection services, which recommended a better resourced independent service should be set up to look after children on the Child Protection Register.
But some members of the committee released a separate report arguing that the government's draft bill "totally fails" to protect the primacy of the House of Commons and proposing a "constitutional convention" should be set up to consider the issue more widely.
"I've urged the World Bank president that the global infrastructure facility should be set up as early as possible because countries like India require a large amount of finances for infrastructure, " Mr. Chidambaram said in an interview on the sidelines of meetings of the Group of 20 leading economies, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Thalidomide UK says a second trust fund should now be set up to provide for the needs of similarly-affected children of Thalidomide sufferers.
So the hardworking person who takes on more projects than he can handle or stays late more often than he should can be set up to fail or burn out.
According to Zulaie Cobra, the member of the judicial-reform committee in the lower house of Congress who presented the latest proposals this week, the first priority should be to set up a new body to investigate allegations of corruption and other misbehaviour by judges.
Iraqis should be permitted to set up businesses with minimal fuss and bureaucratic interference.
Earlier Tory education spokesman David Willetts backed Labour's controversial academy schools, saying it should be easier to set up and sponsor such institutions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Cameron hits back over grammars
Lawyers should be free to set up shop both with outside investors and with other species of lawyer, so that barristers could form partnerships with solicitors, for example.
ECONOMIST: Why it is so difficult to regulate lawyers and doctors
To transact with Wal-Mart or any other business entity is ultimately a voluntary act, and as such, Wal-Mart should be allowed the opportunity to set up shop wherever it desires.
The way the system is set up they should be testing for these obvious and original steps.
FORBES: Is This Apple Abusing The Patent System Or The USPTO Abusing It?
Basically, companies should be careful in selecting firms to set up and host their e-commerce sites by getting references, using established firms and asking about privacy and security upfront, the experts said.
But eight of the 12 SPL clubs met at Tynecastle on Tuesday to discuss the issue, prompting Dunfermline Athletic chairman John Yorkston to declare that the idea of a top 10 was "dead" and that a 14-team set-up should be reconsidered.
But what we should be thinking about instead is how to set up new habits.
Federal funding should also be provided to help each state set up a High Risk pool.
An age cap on accessing taxpayer-funded loans to set up a business should be removed, says the prime minister's enterprise adviser, Lord Young.
NASA, the American space agency, was set up within a year and President John Kennedy took up the challenge that Americans should be the first to set foot on the moon.
And the "European Soyuz" should be a fillip for Arianespace, the company set up to market and operate the Ariane rockets.
Richer beneficiaries should pay more of their share of Medicare, while the generosity of the system should be kept in check by the independent panel set up under Mr Obama's health reform to monitor services and payments.