So far General Anupong is backing Mr Samak, who shrewdly built bridges with the army chief.
Sensing an opportunity, direct providers have been shrewdly expanding their own investment advisory services.
At the same time, developers shrewdly learned how to swap public amenities for bigger buildings.
Timberlake, swinging his lithe body around the room, has become a shrewdly likable actor.
Since then, however, Mr Netanyahu has travelled far, shrewdly allowing his convictions to be changed.
It is this vulnerability in Mr Blair that Mr Hague is now shrewdly exploiting.
Very shrewdly, China has not proposed that the yuan replace the dollar as the global reserve currency.
Shrewdly betting on telecom, they got in early after the sector opened to private companies in the 1990s.
Shrewdly, Ballard made sure his sea-bottom itinerary took him close to where the Titanic was thought to lie.
Steve Jobs shrewdly gave iTunes away free not only to Mac users and but also to Windows users.
But remember that once you go, you will be forever known as the coward who ran away, he added shrewdly.
Shrewdly, Mr Cameron put his quest for a more responsive and efficient state in the context of globalisation and its impact.
Ihnatko saves the best for last: The final few grafs speculate shrewdly on why the RAT will be what it will be.
Reitman also shrewdly adapted the screenplay from Christopher Buckley's savage satiric novel.
Both parties to this deal shrewdly hope to score some domestic gains.
Hungry for broadband content, I noticed that Verizon Communications shrewdly rented space next to the press room, also known as the feed lot.
In 1994 it shrewdly decided to set up a development corporation and remove day-to-day business decisions from the hands of the tribal government.
Having endured endless jokes about his oversized frame, the New Jersey governor shrewdly decided the best path was to poke fun at himself.
Mr Messier has shrewdly grabbed the opportunity to shift all of Vivendi's debt (now reduced to euro16.5 billion) into the more sluggish division.
Nick Denton shrewdly hired native digital reporters to break some news (he paid for scoops, too) so he could capture search and social traffic.
FORBES: Inside Forbes: Reporting Is Hot Across the Web as Digital News and Audiences Evolve
Also working in its favor: The most-watched network shrewdly selected How I Met Your Mother stand-out Neil Patrick Harris to emcee the show.
The Diamond Jubilee has prompted a slew of new royal biographies, making familiar points about how the monarchy has shrewdly adapted to modern mores.
ECONOMIST: A bitter row about executive pay is about something bigger
Most of these flaws, however, can be fixed with a shrewdly wielded blue pencil, giving "Hands on a Hardbody" a straight shot at commercial success.
Fox programming executives have shrewdly used the series as a platform to launch or boost other Fox shows, including Fringe, House, Lie to Me and Glee.
Debitel, which owns no cables or transmitters, has already become the country's third-largest mobile-telephone operator by buying capacity from other companies and marketing it more shrewdly.
"Making their money had been an adventure, " observed Andrews shrewdly.
Texas's governor, George Bush, has so far been shrewdly silent.
Music companies use data much more shrewdly than, say, Hollywood studios, which still fling huge sums of money at broadcast television in the hope of driving people to cinemas.
If the latter seems incongruous in a car-dominated nation, it is largely because, shrewdly, he laid optic-fibre networks beneath the tracks he owned to create the giant telecommunications network, Qwest.
By doing this, rod-makers shrewdly appealed to the way most fishermen road-test a rod: in a fly shop parking lot, where, inevitably, they try to cast as far as they can.