You are an appealing mate for a limited window, they shriek, and you must mate!
Shriek as a light airplane flies out of the screen and clips you on the nose!
Around a brilliant Hockney-blue swimming pool, a host of plump black cherubs shriek and splash with pleasure.
She does little more than shriek at the top of her lungs for most of the movie.
CNN: Review: 'In Dreams' closer to 'Nightmare on Elm' for adults
He was smiling under the blackness that shone on his face, and he leaned over me and seemed to shriek.
Clearly pleased, Federico let out a loud shriek of "hurray", then told McCall over the house tannoy: "Right, see 'you's' later".
Jocelyn and I shriek and hug onto Bennie, which for me is like touching something electric, his actual body in my arms.
Two sips of a tart lemon balm martini brought back the blurred headlights of taxicabs on a rainy street and the shriek of a trombone in a ballroom.
Craniology, phrenology and eugenics, once-respectable fields of endeavour that are now regarded with a shudder, may shriek from time to time, but few sane people pay attention to them.
Headlines shriek that Washington has turned against Obama, that the press honey moon is over, and that the previously somnambulant White House press corps is actually asking tough questions.
Indeed, Mr. Lamb said the MTA's goal is to carefully manage a smaller rat population that is less likely to make shriek-inducing treks across subway stations in search of sustenance.
Suzie stepped in, tottered at the shock of cold, forged on up to her knees, then with a shriek plunged and swam the crawl with strong strokes into the glittering path.
The traffic of the city was a hum that only faintly reached these leisurely streets, the occasional distant shriek of a police siren or an ambulance more urgently disturbing their peace.
But, despite their group hugs and kisses, they could not match the excitement of the Sugababes, one of whom let out an ear-splitting shriek on reaching the podium to collect their prize for best British dance act.
But Corwin drew some note out of the chaos in his hands, and then drew it farther up and up, until it was unbearable, but at the very point where it might have become a shriek that note changed a fraction and broke into the most lucid sweetness.
The handful of folks who were able to summon up the courage to enter the water were huddled into small groups a few feet offshore and periodically groups of teenage girls would shriek and run from the surf, inciting a mad scramble for the shore by the remaining bathers.