Even by the sickly standards of the American airline industry, UAL Corp. is a mess.
Ellis today is 93, sickly and nearly deaf, but he still bristles with attitude.
It's possible that as life spans stretch out, the gains will be in sickly years.
He has continued to worry the sickly Mr Yeltsin, and others close to him, ever since.
By autumn GDP was supposed to be limping badly at 1% to 1.5%, a sickly pace.
The idea of imitating France, with its budget deficits and sickly manufacturing sector, seems bizarre.
Pollsters put them 30 percentage points ahead of the sickly Solidarity government led by Jerzy Buzek.
Sickly myelin, however, is mushier, so the water in it tends to move around at random.
His son, the sickly Piero (the gouty), took over, though he had no serious experience in banking.
There was a musty church hall type aroma mixed in with a sickly sweet smell of ether.
But if you bought alongside some sickly types who keel over early, your retirement checks would get fatter.
He began to panic and stared up at his sickly house, which loomed over him, leprous and crippled.
Mr Uribe inherited an economy that has grown only at a sickly pace since a deep recession in 1999.
The rich, sickly smell of night-flowering jasmine swamped his lungs, and all of a sudden he had trouble breathing.
Cerberus is also the majority owner of GMAC, the sickly car and home financier once part of General Motors.
The stocks of big drug companies--longtime favorites on Wall Street--are suddenly looking sickly.
Some detect the influence of the Treasury, pointing out that a sale would improve the rather sickly public finances.
ECONOMIST: Selling Westinghouse is lucrative but controversial
That's what average or better growth would do for the U.S. and what sickly 0%-3% growth can never do.
MALAYSIA'S government is keen to portray the country's financial system as a source of strength in a sickly region.
Mothers clutch sickly children, pining for milk from the cows they left behind.
Imports are rising, and money is dribbling back to the sickly banking system.
What needs explaining is the following: in modern times, up until 1950 Glasgow did not stand out as particularly sickly.
This is not his first attempt: he launched a similar scheme in 1999 to rescue more than 30 big, sickly firms.
Judy Kuhn as sickly Fosca sings impeccably, imbuing her unsympathetic character with an almost-feral, obsessive, clinging ferocity that overshadows everything else.
Not much has changed for retirees, except for the addition of a few sickly years at the end due to medical technology.
FORBES: Thoughts On The Recently Completed Debt-Ceiling Agreement
He inherited more of his temperament from his grandfather, the driving, autocratic Emperor Meiji, than from his sickly, dilettante father, Emperor Taisho.
If Mr Quinlan is right, healthy growth in Europe could more than offset the impact of sickly Asia on American corporate profits.
Philippe Bourgignon, who had revived Disney's sickly theme park near Paris, took over, with a promise to return Club Med to health.
Raffles, too, has become a smarter ghost of its former self a rather tacky tourist haunt serving Singapore Slings by the sickly pitcher.
Martchev also says the retail sector looks "sickly, " and he's shorting Ann Taylor (nyse: ANN - news - people ).