Page 69-89 (11:12-12:43 a.m.): Officials from various agencies sign off on the talking points.
The Iraqi parliament did finally sign off on the last changes to that document.
Both of these two regulators will need to sign off on the creation of new banks.
And we pursued and got NATO to sign off on the pursuit of that.
There are no agreed standards, no paperwork, no forms, no one can sign off on anything.
Then the Department of Transportation and the Justice Department will have to sign off on it.
The Irish government is expected to sign off on a six-month extension to the Smithwick Tribunal.
They also want the winner of the election to sign off on the deal.
The decision to prosecute, which he would have had to sign off on, may be another miscalculation.
That's why in Durban we hope the parties sign off on an agreement for a legal commitment.
The Republican lawmakers say the emails suggest that staff members felt pressured to sign off on the loan.
Would they be willing to personally sign off on the income tax code they've been creating over the years?
Mr. Christie has said he won't sign off on a spending plan without a tax cut of some sort.
Most employers give the document to everyone, but many people sign off on it without even looking at it.
The other is that no one was willing to sign off on something that might not be quite right.
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They were serving a useful purpose, some lawyers had been found to sign off on them, and that was that.
But Moore found a way to bypass the limits by asking--and usually getting--a judge to sign off on higher fees.
Whether President Bill Clinton would sign off on legislation that would exempt workfare jobs from the minimum wage remains unclear.
CNN: AllPolitics - States Must Pay Minimum Wage For Workfare
Would they be willing to personally sign off on the income tax code they have been creating over the years?
Renault executives were flabbergasted last summer when Ghosn refused to sign off on a proposed expansion of a plant in Turkey.
They say they have information that suggests Deloitte US had to sign off on the annual report and the DTTC opinion.
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Did he have to make a phone call and sign off on this, or were instructions given prior to the trip?
After the exams Nausieda would either write up or sign off on the diagnoses, the vast majority of which were manganese-induced Parkinson's.
Mr. DAVID KEATING (Club for Growth): It was quite a remarkable display of being willing to sign off on a tax increase.
With no independent verification of data received from Bank of Spain how can any consultant sign off on anything without announcing major caveats?
The university's board of governors will meet earlier in the afternoon to sign off on the five-year contract that Jordan reached last week.
They might prepare some short disposition, and then essentially the judge would look it over and the judge would sign off on it.
Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady is expected to sign off on these arrangements over the week-end as the G-7 Finance Ministers meet in Paris.
This time, it is expected that the players will sign off on the plan before it goes to the board for a vote.
Auditors also want to be reassured about refinancing prospects well before maturity dates so they can sign off on companies as going concerns.