• More a quarter of American children are being raised in single-parent households, most of them poor.

    CNN: Americans' 90% tax rate

  • Rather than lock single-parent households into perpetual poverty, we ought to promote marriage, responsibility and virtue.

    FORBES: Congress's Policies Steal Our Freedoms While Rewarding Irresponsibility

  • Also introduced prefab, 500- square-foot Ikea homes, targeting single-parent households in Sweden.

    FORBES: Europe

  • Unlike Mexico, however, it has no slums or seriously deprived regions, no child malnutrition, practically no single-parent households and virtually no crime.

    ECONOMIST: Time travellers

  • Are more children growing up in single-parent households?

    CNN: What we don't know about love and loneliness

  • Single-parent households are considerably rarer than among Afro-Caribbeans.

    ECONOMIST: Immigration

  • Aside from the basics - utilities, schools, clean streets, efficient public transport - at which Tokyo traditionally excels, the Japanese megapolis provides sign-language interpreters for the deaf, home helpers for the elderly, and subsidies for single-parent households.

    CNN: Tokyo

  • Persistent poverty is most acute among single-parent households: 29% of those in the bottom 30% of the income distribution in 1991 stayed there for the next five years, a higher proportion than for any other household type.

    ECONOMIST: Labour��s crusade

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