Nine hundred million of these zinc oxide crystals could be spread across the head of a pin in a single layer.
Like the panel on the RT, it's optically bonded, meaning the LCD and touch panel comprise a single layer.
They are beloved by gourmets for their single layer of large, easy-to-peel cloves.
Some 900 million of these zinc oxide crystals can fit in a single layer on the head of a pin.
In-cell display tech eliminates that middle layer of glass, combining the LCD and touch sections of the display into a single layer.
Its storage potential is enormous: Dr Sheats says that initially, a single layer of memory the size of a sheet of writing paper will be able to store one billion bytes (a gigabyte) of data.
Grit can get trapped in the mushrooms' nooks and crannies, so give them a swish in a bowl of cold water, then repeat with fresh water until the water runs clean and let them air dry in a single layer on kitchen towels.
Kindle Fire HD solves this air gap problem by laminating the touch sensor and the LCD together into a single layer of glass, creating a display that's easy to view even in overhead light, and reducing glare by 25% relative to iPad 3.
Zech (The ADVENT Group of Colorado Springs, CO) noted optical storage technology expert, a new commercial optical storage technology using UV light would probably have to be in the 200 nm range and would provide storage capacities of over 100 GB in a single layer.
FORBES: What is the Future of Optical Disc Technology and who will Use It?
When you've got a tight single layer, cut the remaining apple quarters in half and strew them over the first layer. (You might have to cut more apples to get a fairly even layer here, or you might have apple quarters left over.) Don't worry about making this layer beautiful no one will see it, but it will give the finished tart a little height.
The Intra-Hybrid Blu-ray Disc (IH-BD) incorporates a single BD-ROM layer and a single BD-RE layer so as to enable the user to view, but not overwrite, critical published data while providing the flexibility to include relevant personal data on the same physical disc.
"The anti-reflective coating requires multi-layer coatings which are slightly more complex than the typical single-layer ones, " Lin told CNN.
Graphene - a single-layer of carbon atoms - has extraordinary properties which give it immense potential.
This story, though, raises the question of why there is but a single ejecta layer of iridium and shocked quartz in late Cretaceous rocks around the world.
As we learned when the console was initially announced, the Wii U's "proprietary high-density optical discs" hold up to 25GB of data -- equivalent with that of Sony's single-layer Blu-ray format on the PlayStation 3, and much larger than the Xbox 360's dual-layer DVD format.
ENGADGET: Take a very, very close look at the round-edged Wii U proprietary discs
Some have even gone as far as to state that Sony's strategy of using MPEG-2 and uncompressed PCM audio on single-layer Blu-ray discs may have required too much video compression, resulting in early releases that don't match the sharpness of VC-1 encoded movies available on HD DVD.
The drives write single BD-R media at up to 12X and dual layer BD-R media at up to 8X speeds, recording a full 25GB disc in about 10 minutes.
ENGADGET: Sony Optiarc debuts 12x Blu-ray writers, makes 'em friendly with BD 3D
The researchers found that the rodents' preferences varied slightly between strains, as well as between sexes (with females partial to higher temperatures, possibly because of their thinner protective layer of fat), confirming that there is no single set of conditions in which all mice feel cosy.
Israel has an important stake not only in those programs, but in certain U.S. programs, like the one that would create a sea-based, wide-area defense system that would allow the United States, by stationing a single naval cruiser in the Eastern Mediterranean in a crisis, to add a valuable layer to Israel's missile defenses.
By far the single commonest wish was for simplification - serious simplification, not tweaking around the edges, and not adding another layer of rules on top of those which we already have.