The horizontal view is convenient for displaying a long formula on a single line.
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Here and there, a single line of prints peels off to a spruce tree.
In a single line: no longer would it be a felony to breach a contract.
At first we had a single line of iPods, updated in much the same fashion as the iPhone.
In the gallery's bare rooms, the paintings hang in a single line.
Any delay in the multiple-line system will stop the line completely, while a delay in a single line might just delay one shopper.
That inspired a huge shift in my content, with higher standards, and an almost paranoid awareness of every single line of appropriateness out there.
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What today showed is that 14 individuals, with different interests, different levels of expertise and different political objectives cannot sustain a single line of inquiry.
Croquet packs a lot of power for a little piece of software, one with but a single line of code for every 300 in Windows XP.
The real magic happens in the cloud-based software, which sets up the device and allows for infinite possibilities without ever writing a single line of code.
Increased volumes and a focus on a single line of products will yield improved utilization levels, which is in turn expected to increase profit margins higher.
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With services like App Press or AppBreeder, you can even make your an app for your business without knowing how to write a single line of code.
Unlike the rail sector, there will only ever be one firm providing a full range of operating services in any region, with a single line of responsibility through to Welsh Water.
But the drafters of the first Imperial House Law decided not to allow women to ascend the throne in order to preserve the single line that, according to legend, is descended from the sun goddess, Amaterasu Omikami.
Long story short, he and the Wovel only made it through a single line of snow down the driveway before a car came down the road and my husband literally ran into the garage with it to avoid being seen.
Email is good at some things that IM is not, like composing a long, thoughtful reply, writing poetry or essays, or really anything where you need more than the granularity of a single line of text in which to compose your thoughts.
ENGADGET: Interview with David E. Weekly, Founder of Coceve and
We got half our sales and three-fourths of our profits from this single product line.
Mr Hermon admitted he had parked on a single yellow line but added "common sense should prevail".
BBC: Bath driver given parking ticket for leaving car in snow
Or is it a result of a world where the market has failed to graduate beyond a single bottom line?
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Although the single-line method may be faster, Mr. Hammack says customers generally prefer to "jockey for position" in separate lines.
The company is late in introducing flexible manufacturing, which allows production of three or more vehicle types on a single assembly line.
The ancient club is located amid green pasture in a haven of tranquility just beside the last stop on Calcutta's single Metro line.
While it is true that consistency helps branding, the reality is that individuals (and companies) are more complicated than a single tag line or campaign.
But as it is a single railway line, with only four passing points, there is a limit of about 25 trips to the summit a day.
In 1966, Clan Line, which weighed 150 tonnes, was prevented from travelling past Wareham as it was too heavy for the single branch line to Swanage.
If you do manage to click an icon, the comment itself is now presented in a single horizontal line rather than a floating balloon in the old SoundCloud.
ENGADGET: Editorial: the new SoundCloud is optimized for listeners, not uploaders
Hon Hai relies heavily on a fairly small number of customers: In the tech industry, a single product line can make or break a company's fortunes and, in turn, the well-being of a supplier.
For example, in 1st grade, we were expected to respond to a school fire alarm by silently getting up from our desks, getting in a single file line and calmly following our teacher out of the building.
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But ordering is done near the front door, with a single-file line that moves right along.