Confucius told us long ago that the longest journey begins with a single step.
But ancient Chinese wisdom teaches that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
And as they do, the American people will be with them every single step of the way.
But a journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step and this would be a big step.
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Half of the danger to our economy is removed by that single step.
That would be enough to handle every pixel coming in from the average video camera in a single step.
This single step would raise the incomes of millions of working families.
When Lao-tzu said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, implicitly he was telling you to take that first step.
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Now, no single step is the silver bullet that will reverse the damage done by the bubble-and-bust cycles that caused our economy into this slide.
He has a blog posting today where he goes through every single step in his process of trying to buy a ticket through the JetBlue website.
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The image retrieval and recognition are thus done simultaneously, in a single step, and it is possible to search for thousands of targets with extraordinary efficiency.
It may help to write out a flow chart, that way we can see every single step and keep breaking the steps down into smaller and smaller pieces.
Every entrepreneurial venture begins with a single step and bringing a book to market, platform or no, requires planning, strategy, and tactics to achieve the most modest degree of financial success.
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One of the major benefits of this development is that it only adds a single step to the manufacturing process, meaning that this technique can be adapted to current cells rather rapidly.
Because the transforming and the filtering are done optically, this mechanism for pattern recognition is fast, allowing an image to be tested for the presence of a target in a single step.
The longest journey begins with a single step.
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Because each DNA molecule works like an individual computer, Adleman says for some problems, a DNA computer could do 100 quadrillion (1 followed by 17 zeros) operations in a single step while consuming almost no energy.
"If you're one of the millions of Americans who have yet to cast your vote in this democratic process, beginning on Feb. 5 and moving beyond, your voice will be heard, and we will be there with you every single step of the way, " Edwards told supporters.
But among the tasks the machine can perform in a single step are edge detection, inversion, the identification of lines and shapes of different orientations, and the filling-in of concave shapes all things that are useful in image-processing, and not all of which can be managed by digital technology.
As the proverb says, a journey starts with a single step so begin with the pile closest to you and just set aside one hour at a time to go through each piece of paper and decide immediately whether you will recycle it, toss it, delegate it, file it or deal with it right away or later.
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But is this the single most important step that we have taken on health care since Medicare?
Their discovery was a painstaking process: She had to purify samples down to a single microorganism, a step that took eight months.
We agreed to keep phasing out fossil fuel subsidies -- perhaps the single-most important step we can take in the near term to fight climate change and create clean-energy economies.
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Each film is a step in the single plan.
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And in the current issue of Applied Physics Letters, a group led by Haroun Ahmed at the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory in Britain reports another vital step, a single-electron transistor that, for the first time, amplifies its input signal (though only by a factor of 3.7, several hundred times more weakly than a conventional transistor does).
The two schools have a plan to take their sharing a step further by building a single school to replace the existing schools.
She has got a single bank supervisor for all eurozone banks, a major step towards a banking union.
Limiting the Fed to a single target zero inflation would be a step in the right direction.
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On the left, the single button displays the menu, and moves you back a step in those menus.