The site automatically awards one credit for every dollar saved or every dollar of debt paid off.
When users do a Blinkx search, they shouldn't be surprised if their computer speakers suddenly start blasting, as the site automatically plays search results.
For example, will the new Qwikster web site automatically know the credit card and account numbers of existing DVD-by-Mail customers or will those customers have to re-enter all their information?
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Griffith discovered that when users spend too long editing an entry on Wikipedia, the site automatically logs them out of the system, so that when the comment is posted, it's instead linked with an unidentified IP address.
When your regular URL is requested from a smartphone, the mobile site presents automatically with the most important elements and less graphics.
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It worked by directing my son to a test bed site that automatically analyzed his friends and created six groups (all in a few seconds).
Though the Petersiks in the past have made revenue through paid writing jobs and private design consulting, the majority of their income now comes from advertising on the site - either through automatically generated Google ads, or through direct site sponsors, which often include design and home supply companies such as the Tile Shop.
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Buyers and sellers must find each other by searching the site: the service does not automatically notify them of bids that match their offer.
Next month, the site will launch Houzz Lightbox, which automatically starts a slide-show mode for scrolling through photos faster.
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There are lots of personal photos on my mobile devices and those pictures are automatically uploaded to a social networking site.
While it has an iPad app, tablet owners may not feel the need to use it thanks to dynamic formatting that automatically optimizes the stories on the site to different screen sizes.
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The move, one of the first major steps to monetize YouTube's millions of hours of video content, allows any publisher in the network to have videos automatically placed on his or her site based on the site's text content.
Creating content that will eventually destruct can make for highly dynamic discussions too, and one example is the website 4chan, the popular image board frequented by web-savvy individuals that automatically deletes all content on the site every 24 hours.
Also, in case you are easily embarrassed, there are no coupons or anything: the discount is automatically applied to bookings made through the site.
Fast flux, probably innovated by a Russian cybercriminal gang known as Rock Phish, automatically changes the physical computer hosting a site as quickly as every two minutes, says Laura Mather, the APWG's director of operations.
It puts big restrictions on what is automatically shared when someone joins a social networking site, taking a distinctively antisocial approach to social networking.
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This page's creator is also an amateur horror film producer, and it shows in the site's layout, including clever artwork and mood music that automatically downloads and plays ad nauseum as long as you are on a page.
Now users can also use Active Copy to automatically backup key files from one Pogoplug to another off-site Pogoplug, for additional safety and redundancy.
ENGADGET: Pogoplug now streaming to Xbox 360 and PS3, handling offsite backups
Eye-Fi, a wireless memory card that can automatically upload photos from a digital camera to a computer or Web site, will be on display at the Las Vegas show.
"We do it by teaching computers to read everything that is reported or shared on the internet, and automatically produce interesting social content about it, " it says on its site.
Tack notes that some Web sites have added the ability to automatically cut ties to sites that are having technical issues that would slow overall site performance.
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For example, if you were visiting Mashable and logged into our site using your Facebook account (and you were also signed into Facebook), you were automatically redirected to a Facebook error page.
When users give up their names to the Web site--the coveted currency of any e-merchant--Vignette's tools automatically toss all kinds of customized information in front of them to keep them engaged and buying.