After having a close look at the skiff the decision was taken to sink it.
McQuivey points to the Skiff reader that made its first teaser appearance at CES earlier this week.
's announcement Monday that it purchased Skiff, a firm started by Hearst to create a technology platform for e-readers.
All told, at least 200 man-hours go into building each skiff.
The Kindle has done reasonably well, and has spawned a host of similar devices with equally silly names, including the Nook, the Skiff and the Que.
As he drove us to lunch and I drove us back, everything he'd told me about the skiff's getting close to the sea came into clear relief.
While we are there, a call comes in from a merchant vessel, very concerned about a fishing boat towing a "skiff, " a slim, fast speedboat favoured by the pirates.
Mr. CHARLTON HESTON (actor, Reading): He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf stream and he'd gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.
Skiff's objective is to increase the value of material offered by newspapers and magazines by delivering them in a more attractive and distinct form than they exist on the Web.
Despite the deluge of new e-readers debuted at CES like the Que, the Skiff and countless others, Forrester Research predicts that only 6 million of the devices will sell in 2010.
The biggest (literally) and most impressive electronic ink devices at the show are easily the 8.5 x 11-inch 10.5-inch Plastic Logic Que proReader and 11.5-inch (displays measured diagonally) Skiff Reader.
But before we go to calls, we've got to take a break, but I also wanted to ask you about something called skiffs, and this is apparently the great competition within the agency , is how much skiff space you've got.
Besides Pixel Qi, Qualcomm, Fujitsu, and Philips are trotting out their Mirasol (with a rumored Kindle destination), FLEPia, and Liquavista display demos, respectively, while LG Display is demonstrating its Metal-Foil e-Paper display for the first time on the Skiff Reader.
The Skiff Reader, on the other hand, is being pitched as a consumer device with a compelling value proposition for publishers ( by publishers) and content owners that will ultimately deliver multimedia on a wide range of devices and display types hooked into the Skiff Store -- just not the flagship Skiff Reader with traditional e-paper display.
Morse shepherds buyers through the process, monitors each boat's progress almost daily, and then--this is something you probably won't find at Chris-Craft--delivers the boat personally. (He's driven them as far as the Chesapeake Bay.) Your first ride in your new skiff is a shakedown cruise with the personable Morse himself, who ends up remaining in touch with many owners for years afterward.