Because now is the time to step on the gas, not slam on the brakes.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Extending and Expanding the Payroll Tax Cut | The White House
If this forced the Fed to slam on the brakes, the virtuous circle could suddenly turn vicious.
We slam on the brakes and I think, hang on, these guys are just going to spray the car.
Eventually, the automakers will have to slam on the brakes: retail sales of cars are probably declining at this moment.
Meanwhile, numerous studies, including an in-depth federal report, confirm that red-light cameras are associated with an increase in rear-end collisions as drivers slam on the brakes.
As those sectors crashed and as manufacturing went into serious recession over two years ago, the comptroller of the currency and his army of examiners told banks to slam on the brakes.
As those sectors crashed and as manufacturing went into serious recession more than two years ago, the comptroller of the currency and his army of examiners told banks to slam on the brakes.
Increasing the weight placed over the front wheel also decreases stability, which is why it will wobble if you slam on the brakes (your body's momentum continues forward, shifting weight on to the handlebars).
ENGADGET: Engineering a better bicycle with DBC City Bike Design Alt
Certainly, it resembles the fiscal policies that have so often got Venezuela into trouble in the past: spend like crazy when the oil price is high, and slam on the brakes when it plummets.
With help from signals from roadside markers and traffic lights, in-car computers will be able to determine if a car should slam on the brakes, alert the driver to a passing vehicle in the blind spot or slow for a red light up ahead that another driver isn't heeding.
Never mind that everyone from the Wall Street to the Congressional Budget Office has made it abundantly clear that choosing this moment to allow huge cuts to the defense and entitlement budgets will slam the brakes on the recovery just as the economy is beginning to show true signs of advancement.
Horton (nyse: DHI - news - people ) to slam the brakes on new construction.
Red carpet and flower welcoming ceremonies, banquets and gift-giving are all banned to "slam the brakes on extravagance and waste", the newspaper adds.