When we meet, he wears a china-blue double-breasted Van Noten suit and white distressed Church's loafers that match the slightly cartoonish white round-frame sunglasses he puts on later as we walk over to Van Noten's Antwerp store, where he often shows up unannounced.
The 65-year-old Mr. Hawkins, who started Southeastern in 1975, is slightly built, white-haired and courtly, said people who know him well.
And that's where the sweet spot seems to be: the white matter slightly below Area 25.
The W-shaped French chateau residence is slightly larger than the White House.
Big and dark and looking slightly weary, his white tusks flashing in the sun, the elephant walked towards our table with a steady gait, moving with a dogged, fatigued determination.
White Marylanders were slightly more likely to vote in favor of gay marriage.
The ceiling, made of a rubbery latex, is slightly angled and shifts from translucent white to opaque gray.
We cook corn in the same giant white enamel pot, now slightly chipped.
My teeth are only slightly crooked, and most of them are white.
She remembers a man who wore slightly ill-fitting trousers that revealed his white socks -- a man who never grew out of habits from his years as a graduate student.
"It wasn't a band all wearing white doing highly choreographed dance routines to slightly cheesy pop tunes, " he says.
However, your argument that the problem is really one of poverty rather than race or gender (as very poor white boys who receive free school meals do slightly worse than very poor black boys) is flawed.
Singer Robin Thicke looked rather aged and slightly dirty old man-ish in his sloppy black, white and silver double-breasted jacket.
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Avoid white ones, which are bitter and can be slightly poisonous.
The rate among white high school graduates, by contrast, has declined slightly since 2008.
However, colors on the Vivo Tab RT screen are slightly washed out, and this becomes obvious when viewing a pure white image or comparing the same photos on multiple devices.
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Painted gray, white and brown, the figure poses in a seated position, hunched slightly and covering its eyes.
"Slightly soapy odd palate - hope it comes round, " they remark of a particular white Burgundy in 2008.
According to a study cited by Notre Dame University's Institute for Latino Studies, Latino-white segregation increased in the suburbs during the 1990s, even as it decreased slightly in the city.
He showed his version of camouflage, a luxe version that is, in mink in shades of blue, white and gray, as well as in traditional army colors as outerwear in slightly oversized proportions and a trouser suit.
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For the slightly less adventurous, Guamanchi offers easier two or three-day tours to the lower altitude white rock summit of Pico Pan de Azucar (4, 660m) or hiking around the village of Los Nevados, located about 20km outside of Merida, where mules carry loads up the steep cobbled streets and the white-washed cottages all have red-tiled roofs.
Made of white aluminum panel siding and stucco, it cantilevers 20 feet over a driveway, twisting slightly at the top.
The program could save Medicare beneficiaries 15 to 35 percent, according to White House officials, though a statement from the Department of Health and Human Services put the figure slightly lower, at 10 to 25 percent.