He has, however, struggled against men like Brands, a 6-foot-5 German who slugs the ball.
Once you go above two slugs a day then you get into the danger zone.
The Toronto-based Canadian miner slugs it out with Goldcorp and Newmont for market dominance.
Meanwhile, out on the sidewalk, a homeless man slugs down a can of malt liquor.
Nicotinic receptors exist in a wide range of organisms, from sea slugs to mammals.
Slugs and seals prospered but bees, birds and mammals struggled, with bats particularly hard hit.
Huge slugs of household savings were channeled by Asian, and foreign, bankers into crony property companies.
"This means that anything which feeds on slugs and snails will also benefit this year, " Mr Shardlow said.
BBC: UK insect numbers 'very low' after months of wet weather
Although foreign banks must also hold big slugs of bonds, they had more lenient priority-lending rules until now.
As well as questions from the audience about soil quality and slugs, there were others about coping with depression.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | 'Poet for ever' urges laureate
People prefer the convenience of light paper dollar bills to having their pockets and purses weighted down with clunky dollar slugs.
And as our chart shows, this slow shuffle has changed the way those first couple of slugs of QE now stand.
He liked to troll the city sewers and dissolve slugs with salt.
Its new operating system, iOS 6, is slicker than slugs on ice.
FORBES: Links 14 Sept: iPhone 5, Best Thing Since Sliced Bread Or All Rather Ho Hum?
However, the researchers were surprised to discover that just 24-hours later, the sea slugs had regenerated their male organs and were able to mate again.
When she favoured the cheapest of three suggested menus, British diplomats warned that delicacies like shark's fin and sea slugs "would be conspicuous by their absence".
"Salt certainly kills slugs in your garden but if Sid were a human being it would actually be keeping him alive, " Salt Manufacturers Association general secretary Peter Sherratt says.
Mr. JONATHAN OVERPECK (University of Arizona): We have good estimates of when this occurred, you know, when big slugs of freshwater got into the North Atlantic and affected the circulation, shut it down.
NPR: Arctic Freshwater Pouring Into Atlantic, Scientists Say
He carried the baton a bit farther by looking at the biochemical changes involved in the formation of memory first (because such experiments are unethical in people) in sea slugs, and then in mice.
Closer examination of the animals' anatomy revealed that the sea slugs had a large part of their penis coiled up in a spiral inside their bodies, which they would then use to replenish their missing part.
However, the wet weather has been good news for some insects, such as the crane fly, drone fly and mosquitoes as well as molluscs such as slugs and snails, which all thrive in the damp conditions.
BBC: UK insect numbers 'very low' after months of wet weather
It has 20, 000 central nervous system cells so big they can be seen without a microscope. (Humans have 100 billion brain cells.) Kandel turned down an offer to run the psychiatry department at Harvard's Beth Israel Hospital and bet his career on the slugs.