Among advertisers there's an appreciation for a magazine with a small-town flavor and a big-time reach.
The retailer is squashing small businesses and, thus, the small-town life the magazine champions.
Sarah Palin followed suit, her scorn layered under a sunny smile and small-town demeanor.
CNN: Analysis: GOP struggles with identity on Palin's big night
But Palo Alto, too, has stabilized its growth and sustained much of its leafy, small-town charm.
It's a far cry from the small-town family grocery store where Shaheen worked during high school.
The Nassiris' street had no curbs, which gave the homes a friendly, small-town feel.
Also, youth sports tournaments in small-town USA are not likely to be hampered by displacement effects.
FORBES: Educating Sports Commissions and CVBs About the Economic Impact of Sports
Many of his best films, particularly in the 1930s, pitted small-town rubes against city sophisticates.
He went into politics reluctantly, at first unwilling to abandon his career as a small-town lawyer.
Wal-Mart Stores has apparently decided that everyday low prices in small-town America only take you so far.
"Being a small-town doctor in Tennessee, TB is not really on your radar screen, " Dr. Griffey said.
For example, Lang's first Hollywood film, "Fury, " also on the program, takes aim at small-town vigilante justice.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
For now, many small-town savers still prefer to park their money in insured accounts with local banks.
With its formula, NetMarket hopes to do to cyberspace what WalMart did to the small-town high street.
The superstores may offer convenience, keen prices and a range of products that small-town shops cannot match.
Today, this heavenly song can be heard from small-town street corners in America to magnificent cathedrals in Europe.
And she wanted just everyday, small-town, regular Italians and not where there would be hundreds of English-speaking people.
McCain unveiled Sarah Palin, a 44-year-old first-term Alaska governor and former small-town mayor, as his running mate Friday.
For there is another side to this drink's story, less about small-town Nebraska loyalties than about American mobility.
Here, he deftly balances the dark urgency of small-town youth with the slithering, energetic release that dance provides.
Life in small-town India may be better, for now, but it is precarious.
Foote's plays are often deceptively simple, cherishing the common, small-town man, and "The Trip to Bountiful" is no exception.
Klingel is trying to land younger subscribers by stuffing subscription cards in phone books, catalogs and small-town Sunday newspapers.
The young Terre'Blanche stood out among his small-town peers, leading both the school rugby team and its debating club.
Businesses in the area cater to small-town life and the people passing through.
Before the arrival of angel-capital networks such as Rain Source Capital, small-town entrepreneurs typically borrowed capital from friends and family.
Ralph White (ph) says he's glad the candidates are talking about small-town values, but Marysville isn't a small town anymore.
Most of it was based on the urban myth that Palin is small-town, small-state bantamweight (Maureen Dowd and countless others).
Across the nation, other Thanksgiving parades were under way, from small-town America to virtually every big city in the land.
The filmmakers argued that the men were the subject of a small-town witch hunt and that justice was not served.