Small-world sites Do you want to check out the action in La Cemento, a cement manufacturer trading on the Guayaquil Stock Exchange?
There are influential people in a small-world network, but this tends to come from connections to an unusually diverse set of people, rather than having an unusually large number of connections.
Jessica Mah's company aims to be the of the small-business world.
"It's a small world - and a small country like Scotland can do its bit in making it a fairer world, " he said.
According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, BMO makes up 3.44% of the Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Small-Cap ETF ( AMEX: VSS) which is trading higher by about 0.8% on the day Monday.
According to the ETF Finder at ETF Channel, BMO makes up 3.20% of the Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Small-Cap ETF ( AMEX: VSS) which is trading up by about 0.2% on the day Wednesday.
It will also help fund a small number of real-world experiments that try different transportation techniques in cities and towns around the country using advanced vehicles at scale.
"Fifty percent of the gross domestic product in the developed world comes from small and medium-sized businesses, but in the developing world it's just 25%, " Shah notes.
For ETFs, is the ability to stem inflows relevant to the small world of actively-managed exchange-traded funds?
Nestled in the world of small-cap and distressed companies, there are a few other ways to play oil.
For ardent gun-control advocates, it is an opportunity to press for a binding effort to reduce small-arms stocks around the world.
All these chance associations show that it's truly a small world after all--they surely shouldn't be taken to reflect poorly upon Chicago's clean reputation.
Fairtrasa helps underprivileged small-scale farmers in third world countries escape poverty and improve their lives by providing them with technical support and access to international markets.
Science editor Alan Boyle's blog: A laser attack on a lymph node provides the drama behind the top-rated video in Nikon's 2012 Small World in Motion competition, which celebrates time-lapse movies made on a microscopic scale.
Shell-shocked venture capitalists fleeing the dotcom pounding seem to be finding the world of the super-small an attractive shelter at least for the time being.
The report - prepared in association with the World Health Organisation - said that while only small fluctuations in impact have been seen over the years with other causes of death, the Aids curve was rising sharply.
These students become a valuable addition to the classroom, where their insight and real-world experiences can help elevate discussions, especially in the small, seminar-style classes we offer at Lang.
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The star is currently called Kepler 37, and the small world is currently designated Kepler-37b.
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Studies about Kyrgyz small-scale mining were conducted by the World Bank and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
Lawson's world is populated by small-town folk with big hearts, men who fall for the girl next door and never forget her.
As prime minister from 1959 to 1990, he led its rise from a poor, small, corrupt port to a first-world city-state in just one generation.
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As much as Americans seem reluctant to give up their petrol-guzzling SUVs, he concentrated on promoting small, fuel-efficient cars, with a similar message around the world to advertise them.
The World Bank then invited 12 small-scale miners came to Bishkek to participate in further discussions through video conferences.
It invests in small to mid-cap companies in the developing world that have a few hundred million in debt, not billions.
In this system, communications are chopped into small pieces and sent willy-nilly around the world and then reassembled at the destination.
The country now boasts legions of thriving small businesses and a fair number of world-class ones whose English-speaking bosses network confidently with the global elite.
An example of institutional stupidity from a world I inhabit--small airplanes.
But in the world of big-and small-money map theft, it's more like taking candy from a baby--or in this case, a library: Simply walk in, slice 'em out of a book and walk out.
For the Maldives, a group of coral atolls in the Indian Ocean, linked by small boats and the world's second-largest fleet of Twin-Otter seaplanes, competition looks a rather different issue than it might do in New Jersey.
The push to increase small and medium-sized business in the developing world is headed by Sonal Shah, who came to Google after stints at Goldman Sachs, and earlier in the U.S. Treasury Department, working on development in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as at start-ups in environmental and alternative energy businesses.