Self-assembly was very useful in eye-of-the-needle problems in cases where you had to get something very large through a very small hole and Leuthardt wondered if it might be helpful in minimally invasive surgery.
Up top, you've got a headphone jack and small mic hole that allows you to, among other things utilize the company's great Read and Record feature for kids' books.
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"The moment you start talking about such massive debts people stop being so careful... they realise they're in a deep hole and small amounts of effort won't dig them out again, " he said.
"Our" black hole is relatively small "only" four million times as massive as the sun.
After crawling through a small, pitch-black hole in the debris, making their way past sharp metal parts, pieces of office paper, and pulverized concrete, they use listening devices and night-vision cameras to search for anyone alive.
So, the next time you start to moan about the weird tech support guys and grumble about your internal support costs and how little seems to get done just understand that this stupid Microsoft bug is just one small part of the black hole that sucks away their time.
Jim Conrad, a former New Hampshire State Police trooper who worked on the case, said Kathy was found in the woods not far from a small gravel road near a popular swimming hole in Franklin, New Hampshire.
He came back the next day with a lantern and shimmied through the hole and found himself in a small cavern.
Meteorite hunters require no particular expertise as the hunt is relatively simple - fragments leave a small crater similar to a mouse's hole.
It suggests carrying a small trowel to make the task of digging a hole to bury waste easier.
BBC: Lav in a cold climate: 'Free range toileting' etiquette
So they passed the new kiddie tax and turned all of our American "kiddies" into little Dutch boys to plug the hole in their legislative dike and give small businesses a break.
Most of those who do hit the donut hole only end up being liable for a small amount of money at the end of the year, as their drug consumption for the year adds up.
Other base stealers who use gloves either wear small guards or professionally manufactured gloves that have a thumb hole, and also extend over the wrist, like Davis's glove, giving it a similar oven-mitt appearance to Gardner's newest device.
The large hole is believed to have been caused by three small leaks on a four-inch water pipe.
But despite being millions of times more massive than our own Sun, the black hole at the centre of our galaxy would be relatively small in cosmic terms.
Driving out small firms, or simply failing to create them, leads to a huge hole in the economy.
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Assuming you make small gains of 15 yards per play, you will find yourself out of the hole and in scoring distance on every drive.
When the train stopped at a station in that country, the police dragged Narayana off the train and put him in a small eight-foot-by-eight-foot room with a cold stone floor and a hole in the corner that served as a toilet.
If you were to assume that every point in the universe contained some information, then even a small office would be so densely packed with particles that it would collapse in on itself like a black hole, says Raphael Bousso, a physics professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Kuzar said the fifth hole would be tested for oxygen, and a camera may be lowered down the shaft, although the small amount of space may limit its usefulness.