By contrast, I found the sight of a haul of smuggled tusks in Bangkok Airport profoundly depressing.
Printed in Cologne and Worms, 6000 copies were smuggled into England, some in bales of cloth.
Take, for instance, the time we smuggled Old Golds into Frank Brizzolera's hospital room.
That production used smuggled footage to capture the 2007 Saffron uprising led by Burmese monks.
Illegal or illicit tobacco is classified as tobacco that is smuggled, bootlegged or counterfeit.
It was Libyan women and girls who hung flags and smuggled weapons to the front.
The second bill, called the "Sensible Tobacco Enforcement" bill, strengthens enforcement of discounted and smuggled cigarettes.
He was reportedly smuggled to Iran with two other senior al-Qaeda leaders in 2002.
Goods meant for Afghanistan are often smuggled back to Pakistan and sold in local markets.
Most of these are caravans and prefabs, some smuggled in piecemeal past the army's check-points.
Customs officers at Kuala Lumpur airport have found nearly 400 rare tortoises smuggled from Madagascar.
Wang also is alleged to have smuggled ivory carvings to Li in Hong Kong.
Except for a few smuggled radios, the prisoners were largely deprived of sources of outside information.
But they cannot yet tap into that money unless it is smuggled out of the country.
ASU, cites methamphetamines smuggled in from Mexico as a prime cause of rising crime.
ECONOMIST: A city that once won prizes is now a crime-ridden mess
There might be funding from outside sources, such as international media smuggled in to the country.
Guns are also being smuggled in from northern Iraq, often by Kurds, and from Lebanon.
Critics point out that criminals tend to use smuggled, and therefore unregistered, guns anyway.
The country's valuable exports are either smuggled out (lapis, emeralds, artefacts) or illegal (opium).
ECONOMIST: Now the country's fragile peace must be made to stick
On Wednesday, Pakistani security forces seized more than a tonne of heroin being smuggled from Afghanistan.
Guinea-Bissau is also a major hub for cocaine smuggled from Latin America to Europe.
In addition, burgeoning quantities of ever-more powerful weapons are being smuggled into Gaza from Egypt.
Many goods are smuggled from Egypt through a network of underground tunnels into Gaza.
He's done nothing about powerful weapons being smuggled into Gaza and their use against Israelis.
Federal authorities are investigating Starwood's claims that Hilton used confidential information smuggled out by former employees.
"The senior officers are being smuggled out the back door as scapegoats, " he told BBC News Online.
It probably does not help, either, that cheap guns are smuggled in from Somalia, Kenya's chaotic neighbour.
Finished goods are ultimately smuggled into the United States in various ways which are difficult to detect.
One 17-year-old, who was smuggled out of Libya in 2009, also has no country to call home.
Paul McIntyre, 28, used mobile phones smuggled into Saughton and Addiewell prisons to traffic class A drugs.