Measles is an infectious viral illness that is spread when infected people cough or sneeze.
He staggers as if the sneeze has made him dizzy, his rifle nozzle clattering against my door.
Reis estimates 100K units coming online in the latter half of the year, nothing to sneeze at.
And my mom would send me in the house because she was tired of seeing me sneeze.
Ferrets are a good model because they sneeze like humans and show similar symptoms when infected by flu.
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It's like saying the reason you sneeze through your nose is your nose.
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The car is said to match the A5 in terms of cargo space, which is certainly nothing to sneeze about.
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Get a flu vaccine, wash your hands frequently and well, and sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
Though the W-ZERO3 may not exactly be something to sneeze at, you'll probably need a whole box of tissues for W-SIM.
And you have to know that when Intel and Seagate sneeze, Microsoft is going to catch a cold.
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Again, no math major here but an ROI of up to six times is nothing to sneeze at, to say the least.
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While this play and "The Universal Language" are highlights, the other four plays in "All in the Timing" are nothing to sneeze at.
There are only three people behind a counter with a sneeze-guard who quickly assemble pizzas topped with fresh vegetables, cold cuts and cooked meat.
Someone in Fairfax County had faced an ethical dilemma and made a choice, and that choice now has us counting every cough and sneeze.
The Justice Department's treatment of James Rosen was outrageous, but getting the New York Times to publish an honest editorial is nothing to sneeze at.
As if the presence of microscopic eight-legged vermin weren't gross enough, consider that it's not the mites that cause some people to cough and sneeze.
People with hay fever, asthma and bronchitis relentlessly cough and sneeze.
ECONOMIST: With drought and pollution, Arizona is full of sneezers
They should promote better workplace hygiene by encouraging the frequent washing of hands and by reminding employees to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
CNN: Obama administration urges employer flexibility in H1N1 fight
We live in a time where a sneeze in one corner of the world can touch off a pandemic that infects people many thousands of miles away.
If you have to cough or sneeze you should cover your mouth with a tissue or cough into your shoulder or elbow to prevent spread of virus.
That is exactly what acupuncture does but rather than trying to cause just one reaction (a sneeze), acupuncture can stimulate a very wide range of self regulatory reactions.
But 21 million people is still nothing to sneeze at and if the judges pick a good crop of youngsters to go to Hollywood, expect the ratings to grow.
Design a study that proves it is possible to cause a sneeze with touching under the nose with a feather and you will have a good design for an acupuncture study.
Both parents were arrested and Hathaway denied any assault and said his son was fine but he had been crying that morning and had a big sneeze just before he became ill.
Students already overloaded with information at the start of the semester are being urged to sneeze into their sleeves, wash their hands frequently and stay home if they get sick, Cohen said.
The male displays to attract a female mate by strutting with his tails spread and head held low, while making a rhythmic bubbling call that is interspersed with a sound like a sneeze.
These days, both parties seem to be such polar opposites that any slight hiccup, sneeze, or cough in the voting process will surely be met with political discord and a legal fight will ensue.