Norwegians sniff at the numbing unpleasantness of gutting fish and at the town's remoteness.
Getting drafted in the third round is nothing to sniff at, but consider Texas Tech wideout Michael Crabtree.
We hadn't played any rugby but we still had a sniff at half-time.
That's easy to sniff at as if it were someone else's problem.
Palace sources sniff at the idea of a settlement.
ECONOMIST: Thaksin still hankers after a triumphant homecoming
Aficionados sniff at the quality of the frankincense farmed in India, preferring to pay more for product harvested in East Africa, said Bill Huf, manager of Scents Of The Earth in Cape May, N.
He was under a cupboard, sound asleep, and one had only to sniff at him to understand that he had wandered thirsty from bed to the kitchen and drunk at length from the wine bowl instead of the water bowl, and perhaps had had a solitary toddling drunken party all his own before hiding himself away to sleep.
Slow to sniff trouble at Enron, retail investors suffered when fund managers sold liquid assets to finance withdrawals from better-informed institutional investors, leaving individuals stuck with mostly illiquid paper.
ECONOMIST: How Enron and Argentina have unsettled Japanese investors
Thus, a dog may sniff your bag at the airport (and elsewhere) without implicating the Constitution, on the theory that the dog only alerts in the presence of contraband.
It is now trading at a sniff over 15, and has squeaked above 20 on only a handful of occasions this year.
Maybe the growth hound would trot by, pick you out, sniff the goods, paw at you.
It could be that, of the more than 50 executives on the Power Women list, only a handful filled out the paperwork. (In contrast, at FORBES we sniff out Power Women on our own).
FORBES: Power Women Lead At Just Eight Of The 100 Best Companies For Working Mothers
But fans should be wary and "not see dollar signs" at the first sniff of interest from Middle East buyers, says James M Dorsey, author of a blog, The Turbulent World of Middle East Soccer.
Director John Waters sent up the concept by having scratch-and-sniff cards passed out with tickets at his 1981 film, Polyester.
The fact that the 2010 conference champion (either Connecticut or West Virginia) will have at least 3 losses and is not a sniff within the Top 15 does not sit well.
FORBES: TCU To The Big East: Strategically Navigating the BCS Waters
At the time, the only news we could sniff out was an old story about a private equity bid circulating late last year.
At press time, Esperanza guests did not have to pass a sniff test before checking out.
If anyone makes it past all these obstacles, there are checkpoints at the bus station, at railroad yards and on the main roads out of town, complete with dogs to sniff out stowaways.
ECONOMIST: The Republicans are fretting about a disappearing problem