It was snowing so fiercely by then that Mr. Box's wife, Betty, had convinced him to drive home to beat the storm.
Pinetop Smith had died of a gunshot wound in Chicago by then so the top boogie piano players were Lux Lewis, Albert Ammons and Kansas City's own, Pete Johnson.
Eventually he got the sack from his post in Hanover for being away so much, but by then he was firmly established in London, receiving a royal pension from the ailing Queen Anne.
So if special breaks for the middle class are curbed by a tax reform, then the special rate for capital gains so beloved by Republicans (and yes, some Democrats too) must be eliminated, too.
If this can only be achieved by privatisation then so be it.
Now I have no problem with individuals owning shares: if they can take the risk of doing so then that is fine by me.
Afghan grievances over the frontier with Pakistan date back to its being drawn as the so-called Durand Line by the then colonial power Britain in 1893, the BBC's David Loyn reports from Kabul.
Dumont arranges the two figures in the hostile landscape so they seem overmastered by it, then he holds the shots longer than expected, until menace builds up in the surrounding silence and our nerves are close to snapping.
Most of this is then absorbed by so-called carbon sinks, a mixture of photosynthesising plants and chemical precipitation, while a small amount remains to contribute to the rise in carbon-dioxide concentration that has been going on for the past 150 years.
The armored car we were in ran into a Humvee, it was so dark, then got hit by another armored car that nearly slammed us over on our side and then to top that off we (the car) ran right into a house -- fortunately no one was inside.
Yes, so they're still -- so then why wouldn't they be reimbursed by the federal government for their travel?
If so, then the debtor must show by clear and convincing evidence that compliance was impossible.
It was a blowout by then, though with so many injuries in the frontcourt they were obviously concerned when Martin went down after grabbing a defensive rebound, pounding the floor in anger.
By then, a system that so clearly emphasizes quantity over quality will have taken its toll.
So if the QQQQ declines by 1%, then the UltraShort QQQ gains 2%.
If so, then debt reduction could be delivered by being smarter.
FORBES: Dumb Practices: Why American Tax Dollars Are Wasted And Where To Find The Solution
"This is the story of a man who took a while to figure out how to live a great life, then decided he would do so by creating happiness, " he says.
Well, if so, then you must keep your brother by providing him with a guaranteed retirement (Social Security), an endless supply of medical care (Medicare, Medicaid, S-CHIP), a roof over his head (public housing), and an education for his kids (public schooling).
You come to make better decisions by making not-so-good decisions and then correcting them.
Even so, comments made on 1 January 1992 by the then-chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen.
So start 2011 by answering these three questions, and then think about adding three new questions of your own.
They are then whittled down, so that, by the time results are announced, they are invariably too low, typically by around 2%.
So if this truly is the case, then by how much?
FORBES: The Feverish Hunt For Evidence Of A Man-Made Global Warming Crisis
Then this character, played so well by Alan Ruck, up and dies, allowing his story to pay off, rather than living on to fuel another plot.
The Social Security trust fund will technically cover any shortfall for another 20 years or so, but then benefits would have to fall by about one-quarter to match outlays with revenues.
FORBES: We Don't Need Another Short-Term Patch for our Fiscal Woes
If, however, America's economy is currently operating well above capacity, and growth needs to be slowed to 2% for a year or so, then interest rates would need to rise by almost three percentage points.
The original negative was first scanned at 4K and then examined frame-by-frame so that any damage could be repaired.
ENGADGET: Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures Blu-ray set hits shelves September 18th
Unfortunately, by then, the public fund officials and so-called experts who steered pensions into these schemes will be long forgotten.