And some of the science is dubious (though not nearly so much as, say, Prometheus).
It will not necessarily expand, so much as defend you from loss of brand awareness.
FORBES: The State of Social Media at Work In One Quick Infographic
While these things are all true, none of them are obstacles so much as speed bumps.
FORBES: Why The Networks' Threat to Stop Broadcasting Is Worth Taking Seriously
The affidavit also confirms that the accuser has never so much as met Senator Menendez.
This looks like nothing so much as retaliation on the part of the school district.
FORBES: Middle School Girl Expelled, Forced to Apologize to Boy Who Raped Her
But presto, Bob is sliding in beside her without so much as a may-I-join-you.
Some business schools, accused of teaching nothing so much as greed, now offer ethics courses.
Crises are never quite solved for the future so much as managed in the present.
She doesn't remember the pleasant amenities so much as the shortness of the visit.
Has man's nature evolved so much as a jot or a tittle in 5, 000 years?
But that is not what we value either of them for, so much as their differences.
In many cases the problem does not seem to be miserliness so much as ignorance.
MakerBot isn't actually selling the Turtle Shell Racers, so much as the components here.
ENGADGET: MakerBot's Turtle Shell Racers cruise around our offices (video)
But what is threatened by uncontrolled vehicle usage is not prosperity so much as lifestyle.
The Perrys can take a week in the Bahamas without so much as packing a kit bag.
Social media networks, rather than bringing people together, encourage nothing so much as an orgy of self-congratulation.
FORBES: The Twitter Sex Approval Matrix: Do It in Provo, Abstain in New York
It was neither hygiene nor nutrition that defeated TB (though both helped) so much as better housing.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Infectious Diseases and Standards of Living | Mind & Matter
Commenters were not interested in the economy so much as the people involved in the recessionary struggle.
FORBES: Mr Popularity: What Really Makes Apple, Steve Jobs an Online Powerhouse
Other experiments have run for long periods of times without so much as a hint of the stuff.
BBC: Dark Matter: Experiment to shed light on dark particles
Agari, in other words, is pitching itself not as a spam-filtering company so much as a brand-protection firm.
FORBES: Cisco-Spawned Startup Agari Aims To Finally Kill Phishing
Pacheco grew up in New Mexico and really didn't follow a particular team, so much as individual players.
Not so much as an extra credit clinic for representing impoverished Muslims in a Sharia court of law.
We don't need to invest in physical things so much as we need to invest in better education.
Massachusetts bans doctors from receiving so much as a pen, let alone sports tickets from medical companies.
FORBES: Lawyer Financing: A Conflict They'd Sue Other Professionals Over
Sometimes it is not the company so much as a particular practice, or an anachronism in the law.
We didn't get so much as a dial tone -- there was no longer a number to reach.
Not because of Copenhagen, not because of global warming, so much as concerns about energy security and pollution.
Their further expansion plans have been eye-popping, but have not brought so much as a murmur from regulators.
FORBES: Too Big To Fail But Brazen Enough To Still Get Bigger
Here's one from Rhea(ph) in Saint Louis: Nothing galls an academic so much as a colleague's popular success.
People get killed with guns throughout the country but it doesn't happen so much as drunk driver killings.